
As a Man Thinketh - James Allen | Audiobook Narrated by Earl Nightingale

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As A Man Thinketh is an essay and self-help classic, which argues that the key to mastering your life is harnessing the power of your thoughts and helps you cultivate the philosophy and attitude of a positive, successful person.

“As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.”

“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.” “A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses.” “A man only begins to be a man when he ceases to whine and revile, and commences to search for the hidden justice which regulates his life.

As a Man Thinketh - James Allen | Audiobook Narrated by Earl Nightingale

https://youtube.com/@Smart_Reads As a man thinketh by James Allen| full book #audiobook #audio

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