
How to Pass a Woman's 'Test' Through Texting

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How to Pass A Girl's Tests Through Texting - Every girl will test you in subtle ways during the texting stage... even if she doesn't consciously realize she is doing it.

When this happens, you need to Mirror her Texts.

A lot of girls will take a long time to text you back to see how you will respond. If you reply quickly like all the other guys, she will quickly get bored.

But if you are following the strategy of Mirror Texting, you wont ever text her back 'too soon'.


Because the rules of Mirror Texting are to match the timing, energy, and effort of her texts to you.

So if she takes an hour to text you back, don't text her back for an hour. If she texts you back with little excitement, don't text her back with excitement. And if she writes you a one word response, don't text her back an entire book.

To learn how to implement Mirror Texting get my ebook

Learn all 5 Principles of Texting Women by getting my top-rated texting eBook for men.

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