
Diaries Of A Naturopath - An Interview With A Practitioner of 40 years

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When I, Kate, married a man with an autoimmune disorder, I started to worry about the longevity of our life together.

When I challenged my husband, Joshua, to get to the root cause of his autoimmune disorder, he agreed. And so a year ago we started getting serious about Joshua’s health.

Due to past experiences with heavy duty pharmaceuticals, we knew that a western medicine approach was not going to be a good fit.

And so we scoured the internet for local natural healers. We found some but most were out of our budget.

We took matters into our own hands which was confusing & stressful as we didn’t really know what we were doing.

After a year of praying for help a light entered into our life...

We met Dr. Karen Edwards.

Dr. Karen Edwards ND, Master Herbalist is a board-certified Doctor of Naturopathy by the American Alternative Medical Association and American Association of Drugless Practitioners Accreditation board.

She is also an eyologyist & Karen served as a board member of the World Eyology Guild.

Since working with Karen not only has Joshua's health transformed, but so has Kate's.

Karen’s light and guidance inspires us to continue our healing journey and share what we finding with you n this channel.

In this video we capture a snapshot of Karen's story , her beliefs, experiences & suggestions for anyone who wants to embark on the journey of natural healing.

We hope you enjoy this interveiw and getting to know this incredible woman who we are eternally grateful for.

Thank you Karen for agreeing to do this interview!

***We need to make clear here because we didn't in the video, but Dr. Karen is retired and no longer taking patients, but will be teaching various classes in the Michiana area***

0:00 - 1:40 Introduction
1:40 - 3:46 What inspired you to first study natural medicine?
3:46 - 4:44 Was your first study natural medicine?
4:44 - 5:14 What did your family think?
5:14 - 5:41 Did you ever doubt natural medicine?
5:41 - 5:57 When did you know you could help others heal?
5:57 - 9:06 What is the most remarkable healing you've seen?
9:06 - 9:30 Why do you say "thank yourself?"
9:30 - 11:30 Are all your studies equal to you?
11:30 - 13:07 Do you believe any can start studying at any age?
13:07 - 14:35 Where would you suggest someone start with studying?
14:35 - 16:07 Where to start with taking health into own hands?
16:07 - 16:50 What holds patients back from healing?
16:50 - 17:07 Final Words
17:07 - 17:25 Outro

Thank you for watching, we appreciate you being here, let's heal naturally!

Much Love,
The Staniers

Diaries Of A Naturopath - An Interview With A Practitioner of 40 years

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