
Refuting the Christian claim the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did no miracles with Dr Louay Fatoohi

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00:00 - Introduction
00:25 - Background of Dr. Fatoohi
00:58 - Today's Topic
01:10 - Christian claim against Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
03:53 - Introduction to the Topic
11:01 - The Inimitable Qur'an
15:00 - Eternal Unattainable Challenge of the Qur'an
29:02 - Knowledge of the Unseen
31:48 - The Qur'an: A Miracle of Miracles
39:50 - Issues with Josephus' Testimony about Jesus pbuh
45:11 - Testimonium Gibbonum
48:02 - Miracles performed by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
50:14 - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ's private relationship with Allah ﷻ
53:23 - Issues with Western Scholars' claim of the Qur'an's origin
1:02:32 - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ's other miracles
1:05:07 - The Night Journey (Isra)
1:08:45 - The Heavenly Ascension (Miraj)
1:12:10 - Knowing a Family Secret
1:18:16 - A Dream about the Battle of Badr
1:26:27 - A Vision of Conquering Mecca
1:36:29 - Potential miracles of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
1:39:01 - The Spitting of the Moon
1:51:04 - The Throwing at the Disbelievers
1:58:16 - The claim of the Qur'an not mentioning the miracles of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
2:00:32 - Qur'an's Silence & Denial Claim
2:08:25 - Dishonest Demands for Miracles
2:13:24 - Miracles Witnessed
2:14:19 - Continuing Miracles
2:16:17 - Denying the Denial
2:18:47 - Prophets' Miracles performed by Allah ﷻ's permission
2:26:57 - Denial of the Disbelievers
2:28:27 - Why do people deny Miracles in the Qur'an?
2:31:43 - Need to Study External sources
2:35:06 - The Qur'an being Succinct
2:43:59 - Miracles mentioned in Al-Bukhari & Muslim
2:49:41 - Miracles mentioned in other Hadith & books
2:52:11 - Concluding Remarks

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