
Interesting Psychological Facts About Dreams: 7 Common Dream Meanings You Should NEVER Ignore!#Dream

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Are you a common dreamer who dreams frequently about certain themes? Do you wonder what the symbols in your dreams mean? These are seven common meanings of dreams that you should know. Do you remember ever dreaming of being trapped or lost? What about missed opportunities or car problems? Other common dreams include being chased, failing a test, falling or sinking, teeth decay, and being chased. While there is no evidence that dreams are special, it has been proven that they can be used to improve self-awareness and help us understand the things that bother us every day.

What are dreams exactly?
Dreams can be thoughts, images and sensations that occur while you sleep.

What is the point of dreaming?
The REM (Rapid Eye Movements) cycle of sleep is when you can dream. During REM sleep, your eyes move quickly in different directions. REM sleep usually occurs 90 minutes after you fall asleep. As your brain is more active, you will have vivid dreams during this period.

Kuras explains that there are many theories about the function of dreams. They appear to aid in memory formation, integration and problem solving, as well as consolidation of ideas about ourselves and the world. Neuroscientists also discovered that dreams can help with information processing, mood regulation and mood regulation.
What is the real meaning of a dream, and how can it be achieved?
Although there is no clear evidence to support the idea of what dreams are, it is generally believed that they represent thoughts, feelings, events, people and places that are relevant to the dreamer.

Although the most vivid dreams are usually experienced during sleep, you can also dream at other times.

What happens when we dream?
The dream is essentially a story we tell ourselves in our dreams over night. They can be either linear or abstract. Scientists believe that we can have 3-6 dreams per night, and approximately 95% of these dreams are forgotten by the next morning.

What are the benefits to dreaming?
The ability to store memories and learn new things in dreams is what makes them so useful. Dreams don't just reflect what we need to remember and store it, but they actively record it.
Our emotions are processed by dreams. Because it helps us process difficult experiences, REM sleep is important in trauma recovery and mood regulation.
Even the worst nightmares can have their benefits. These experiences are our brain's way to prepare us for bad situations.
Dreams can offer a different way to look at things. Dreams can open up new ways to solve problems and allow us to access our deepest, unfettered creativity.

What makes me forget my dreams?

Kuras believes that part of the reason is biological. During sleep, neurotransmitters responsible for memory formation are less active. Dream forgetfulness may also be related to electrical activity in the brain during dreaming.

CNET's Dr. Meir Kryger is a Yale Medicine sleep medicine doctor. He says that most people recall their dreams when they are awakened during a dream, or within the first few seconds after it ends. The problem is that dreams are only remembered for a brief time. If you don't write down the details or keep it going, you will likely forget them. Dr. Kryger states that dreams are more likely to be forgotten than remembered.

It matters when you wake up. Research shows that those who awake during REM sleep have vivid dreams and more detail than those who wake up in non-REM sleep. Those who do not experience REM sleep often report having fewer dreams and fewer meaningful dreams.

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Credits- @Psych2Go
Writer: Mia El
Editor: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Lesly Drue
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Interesting Psychological Facts About Dreams: 7 Common Dream Meanings You Should NEVER Ignore!#Dream

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