
*Catch Carp on Day Sessions with Dave Levy* Lockdown Day Ticket Fishing Tactics EP3

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This is the third and final episode of our Lockdown Day Ticket Tactics series with big-carp catching machine, Dave Levy. Lockdown restrictions due to COVID-19 at the beginning of 2021 have meant that angling can only be done during the hours of daylight, so, with that, we sent Dave off to the banks of day ticket fisheries in the UK, with the aim of him catching carp on limited time and at fisheries that are accessible to all.

So, if you want to make the most of day session fishing for carp and want to find out how, then you can watch as Dave approaches a variety of day ticket waters with a number of different carp fishing tactics and angling techniques.

Episode 3 sees Dave take on Churchwood Fisheries in Essex and it seems that it's going to be a hard day out angling. It doesn't deter Dave though and he soon manages some success with the carp.

Sit back, enjoy and learn a little along the way too.


*Catch Carp on Day Sessions with Dave Levy* Lockdown Day Ticket Fishing Tactics EP1

*Catch Carp on Day Sessions with Dave Levy* Lockdown Day Ticket Fishing Tactics EP2

The Great Escape | S1 E6 | Carp Fishing at SUMBAR

*Catch Carp on Day Sessions with Dave Levy* Lockdown Day Ticket Fishing Tactics EP3

The Great Escape | S2 E1 | Carp Fishing at WESTON PARK

The Great Escape | S1 E5 | Carp Fishing at CARP DREAM LAKE

The Great Escape | S1 E1 | Carp Fishing at IKTUS

The Great Escape | S1 E2 | Carp Fishing at CARPLANTIS

THE GREAT ESCAPE | S2 E2 l Trailer *Carp fishing in the Alps*

Lockdown Carp fishing - Day Ticket Tactics *EP2 TRAILER*

The Great Escape | S1 E3 | Carp Fishing at ABBEY LAKES

The Great Escape | S1 E4 | Carp Fishing at ZAJARKI

The Great Escape | S2 E2 | Carp Fishing at LAC DE PIERRE-CHÂTEL

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