
16mm Film - Die Bücherdiebin - The Book Thief - Trailer - BRD/USA 2013

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16mm Film - Die Bücherdiebin - The Book Thief - Trailer - BRD/USA 2013

Regie: Brian Percival

Buch: Michael Petroni, nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Markus Zusak

Kamera: Florian Ballhaus

Musik: John Williams

Darsteller: Sophie Nélisse, Heike Makatsch, Julian Lehmann, Gotthard Lange, Rainer Reiners, Kirsten Block, Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson, Nico Liersch, Ludger Bökelmann, Paul Schaefer, Nozomi Linus Kaisar, Oliver Stokowski, Robert Beyer, Hildegard Schroedter, Levin Liam, Ben Schnetzer, Sandra Nedeleff, Rafael Gareisen, Carl Heinz Choynski, Carina Wiese, Rainer Bock, Barbara Auer, Sebastian Hülk, Matthias Matschke, Beata Lehmann, Laina Schwarz, Marie Burchard, Georg Tryphon, Joachim Paul Assböck, Martin Ontrop, Jan Andres, Stephanie Stremler, Godehard Giese, Mike Maas, Arnold Weglorz

Deutschland, 1939: Liesels Mutter (Heike Makatsch) ist Kommunistin und muss ihre Tochter (Sophie Nélisse) als auch ihren Sohn Werner (Julian Lehmann) zur Adoption freigeben. Das schon etwas betagte Ehepaar Hans und Rosa Hubermann (Geoffrey Rush und Emily Watson) wollen sich der Kinder annehmen. Doch Werner stirbt auf dem Weg in die neue bayerische Heimat. Ganz alleine versucht die junge Liesel Fuß zu fassen. In Rudy (Nico Liersch) findet sie schnell ihren selbst ernannten besten Freund. Ihr neuer Vater sorgt sich ebenso rührend um sie, während Adoptivmutter Rosa mit Strenge und wenig offensichtlicher Herzlichkeit das Zepter im neuen Zuhause in der Himmelstraße führt. Das komplette neue Leben der kleinen Liesel ändert sich, als eines Nachts plötzlich Max (Ben Schnetzer) zu Tode erschöpft an die Tür der Hubermanns klopft: Max ist Jude, dessen Vater im Ersten Weltkrieg Hans Hubermann das Leben rettete. Nun kann Hans seine Dankbarkeit beweisen, indem er Max bei sich aufnimmt und versteckt. Doch niemand darf vom Geheimnis der Hubermanns erfahren. Weder Liesels Freund Rudy noch Ilsa (Barbara Auer), die Frau des Bürgermeisters, mit der sich Liesel angefreundet hat und die ihr die Pforte zu ihrer beeindruckenden Bibliothek geöffnet hat...

In February 1938, Death tells about how a young girl called Liesel Meminger had piqued his interest. In one of the opening scenes, twelve-year-old Liesel is travelling with her mother and younger brother on a train. On the way, her brother dies and is buried next to the tracks. Liesel steals her first book, titled The Grave Digger's Handbook, when it falls out of the gravedigger's pocket. Liesel is then brought to her new home in Munich, where she meets her new foster parents Rosa Hubermann and Hans Hubermann. Rudy Steiner, a boy who lives next door, accompanies her on her first day of school. When the teacher asks Liesel to write her name on the chalkboard, she is only able to write three Xs, revealing to her classmates that she is unable to write. She is taunted by her schoolmates who chant 'dummkopf' ('dunce') at her. One of the boys, Franz Deutscher, challenges her to read just one word to which Liesel responds by beating him up. She impresses Rudy, and they become fast friends. When Hans, her foster father, realizes that Liesel cannot read, he begins to teach her, using the book that she took from the graveside along with a giant chalkboard. Liesel becomes captivated with reading anything she can. Liesel and Rudy become members of the Hitler Youth movement. While at a Nazi book burning ceremony, Liesel and Rudy are harassed by Franz into throwing books onto the bonfire, but Liesel is upset to see the books being burned. When the bonfire ends and everyone leaves, Liesel is still there and she grabs a book that has been only singed. She is seen by Ilsa Hermann, wife of the Burgermeister (mayor). When Rosa asks Liesel to take the laundry to the mayor's spacious, gated house, she realizes that the woman who saw her taking the book is the mayor's wife. Instead, Ilsa takes her into their library and tells Liesel she can come by anytime and read as much as she'd like. One day Liesel is found reading by the mayor, who not only puts a stop to her visits but dismisses Rosa as their laundress. During Kristallnacht, Max Vandenburg and his mother, who are Jewish, are told by a friend that only one of them can escape, and Max's mother forces him to go. Max's father had saved Hans' life in World War I, and hence he goes to the Hubermanns' house, where Rosa and Hans give him shelter. Max initially stays in Liesel's room while recovering from his trip, and they begin to become friends over their mutual hatred of Hitler. World War II begins, initially making most of the children in Liesel's neighborhood very happy. Max is moved to the basement so that he can move around more, but it is cold and he becomes dangerously ill. Liesel helps him recover by reading to him at every spare moment books 'borrowed' from the mayor's library. One day while 'borrowing' a book from the mayor's home, Liesel is followed by Rudy. He discovers the secret of Max, whose name he reads on a journal Max gave to Liesel for X-mas...

16mm Film - Die Bücherdiebin - The Book Thief - Trailer - BRD/USA 2013

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