
How to attract decent guys on social media | What guys like

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Whats good you tube. This video is about how to attract good men on social media...Or just not attract so many shitty ones.

Before I start I just want to say if your one of those people who’s been asking if I do one on one conversations or if your interested in having more access to me personally I have announcement at the end of the video you may want to stay tuned for. With that said...

Someone asked me why it seems like they only attract players. Specifically on their social media. They said it seems like guys she meets online only want that one thing from her. Why are all guys pigs? I feel like a lot of women have this problem. They are attractive and active on social media but they can’t seem to attract a decent man to their inbox. They get tired of meeting shallow whores and just stop dating online altogether.

Once I read her full email I looked at her social media page, and she like many other women was making a huge mistake. She wasn’t marketing to decent men. She made no real attempt to attract the type of man she wanted on social media. She said she wanted a kind faithful patient and honest man. A man who wanted more than sex with an attractive woman. A guy with some depth....and While sometimes that’s just the luck of the draw much of her issue seemed to be self inflicted. Her social media was sassy and provocative. Her style was more Rihanna or old an school modana than a beyonce or an Aisha curry. While its empowering for women to own and display their sexuality men don’t always measure that stuff the same way.

Its kinda like how young men sag their pants. They think that shit looks phenomenal. They think it makes them look tough. And to other young men like themselves it makes a statement. It says I’m tough I’m thuggin don’t mess with me. To the rest of society it looks ridiculous. Though some women see pants on the ground and get excited most women are looking for something different from the men they choose. The more mature a woman is the less she wants to see a man’s bun cheeks squeezed together by a gucci belt.

The same goes for men.
Different types of guys are scoring the same stuff differently. Provocative pictures aren’t the best idea for attracting a man with some depth. All the guys who see them will marvel. If you fine we gonna look and daydream. Thats a fact of most men. However, As I’ve told you all before your social media profiles are basically add campaigns and should be marketed towards the type of man your trying to impress.

If ass and boobs are on full display it may make you seem easy, immature or untrustworthy to certain types of guys. An easy man loves an easy woman but a man of respect not so much. So if you’re taking all your pictures backwards with duck lips you may find chivalry hard to come by.

Overt sexuality is a turn off for many men of character. It also demonstrates the idea that you may be fragile emotionally. The thought being that a woman who bares so much for likes and comments must draw her self esteem from such things. Whether that assumption is right or wrong thirst trapping small minds probably isn’t going to net you the type of man that wants to give love as badly as he wants to make love. To attract great minds put your mind on display not your physical assets.

Men also want to feel your Vibe.
Your vibe is the overall energy a person gets when they see your comments memes and status updates. It’s the measure of your personality they take from everything you share on social media. Men love when a woman’s profile displays happiness intellect and self awareness. Witty comments and reflective self analyzing or introspective quotes show a man that you are logical. That you are a thinker. That you don’t measure everything with a feminine ruler. Men who are smart enough to pay attention are looking for things that elude to even temperedness and emotional control. Mature men want to be challenged intellectually. They want great conversations as much as they want a great lay.

They are often turned off by things like man bashing unhappiness or anger on a girls social media Not because these things aren’t warranted at times but because they can put a woman’s lack of logic, personal responsibility, and self awareness on full display if communicated wrong. Even if those things are on your page for very good reason a woman’s wrath has never been a good selling point. Even stupid men want peace.

I’m not saying be misleading or disingenuous on your social media profiles but market the part of yourselves that agree with attracting a good man.

That’s all I want to say about that for now.

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