
The Green Hills of Earth by Robert A. Heinlein (Dick Jenkins)

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The Green Hills of Earth
by Robert A. Heinlein
Read by Dick Jenkins
This collection was first published in 1951
Audio originally issued by NLS on cassette in 1981
"Science-fiction stories about the period of imperial exploitation, from the early 1970s to the year 2020."
Story list:
00:00:00 - (i) Book info
00:01:01 - (01) Delilah and the Space-Rigger
00:30:42 - (02) Space Jockey
01:09:34 - (03) The Long Watch
01:41:29 - (04) Gentlemen, Be Seated
02:05:08 - (05) The Black Pits of Luna
02:36:22 - (06) "It's Great to Be Back!"
03:16:26 - (07) "—We Also Walk Dogs"?
04:11:34 - (08) Ordeal in Space
04:45:37 - (09) The Green Hills of Earth
05:09:27 - (10) Logic of Empire

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The Green Hills of Earth by Robert A. Heinlein (Dick Jenkins)

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