
Wake up your genius! | Van Bo Le-Mentzel | TEDxHamburg

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Van Bo Le-Mentzel has a thesis: people would work more efficiently, more creatively and more innovatively if you free them from any constraints. What would people do with their lifetime if they didn't need to go to work anymore for money reasons? In his talk Le-Mentzel will introduce the D-Scholarship, a new form of scholarship based on crowd funding.
As the initiator of a movement called Build more- buy less (Konstruieren statt konsumieren) Le-Mentzel has started up a global furniture production (Hartz IV Möbel), house fabrication and even sneakers production with the help of hundreds of people he knew through Facebook. They all worked as volunteers and without any constraints. With the D-Scholarship Le-Mentzel is seeking new economical values of labor. (www.startnext.de/dscholarship)

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Wake up your genius! | Van Bo Le-Mentzel | TEDxHamburg

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