
What are the benefits of ginger honey tea? - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal

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Ginger and honey could be used as a herb tea which has beneficial effects on our body especially from cold and cough symptoms and it provides warmth to the body ginger is a herb which has beneficial effects on the body and honey is a complete food. Also it has antioxidant properties especially dealing with pollution and chemicals and toxins in the pollution. Ginger and honey is a revitalising drink that can help to alleviate cold and flu symptoms. Both of these are having medicinal properties as well so they help promoting good health and it works as an anti oxidant. So it will help your body to fight against pollution and chemicals in the food, environment, so ginger and honey also would help in the effects of chemotherapy in cancer. It would help you relieving from vomiting and nausea, in pregnancies; motion sickness etc and they have good effect on your health. It is also used to relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis and an upset stomach. So drink ginger and honey tea on a cold winter morning and stay healthy.

What are the benefits of ginger honey tea? - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal

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