
Food, Nature & the Climate Crisis | 21 August 2022 | Just Stop Oil

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Join JSO, @ChrisGPackham, Dan Kidby & Gareth Lowe discuss how food, farming and what we eat is impacting our natural world and the environment on a local and global scale.

As individuals, organisations and communities, we need to force our government to respond to the climate crisis, species extinction and the breakdown of our ecosystem.

What we eat, how we grow it and the decisions we make, are having a huge impact on the natural world and the collapse of our climate.

Therefore we need to be actively engaging in the discussion and demand that the government responds to the urgency of the situation and how it will affect us all!

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Carry on emitting today and hope at some future date huge carbon sucking technology will solve the problem. Yet we know carbon is killing today, and global emissions are still rising.

Oil is more valuable than our culture, our heritage, our bodies. More valuable than the beautiful web of life on earth, more valuable than home.


Food, Nature & the Climate Crisis | 21 August 2022 | Just Stop Oil

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