
George Hotz | Programming | simple C backend for tinygrad (the tiny corp needs contracts) | buy c3

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Date of stream 20 Feb 2023.
from $1499 buy https://comma.ai/shop/comma-three
Live-stream chat added as Subtitles/CC - English (Twitch Chat) - three-dot menu icon - Show transcript

Source files:
- https://github.com/geohot/tinygrad
- https://tinygrad.org/recognize.html
Follow for notifications:
- https://twitch.tv/georgehotz
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- https://twitch.tv/subs/georgehotz
Programming playlist:
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzFUMGbVxlQs5s-LNAyKgcq5SL28ZLLKC

00:00:00 intro
00:02:20 c backend for $2500
00:06:15 elon and george and twitter
00:10:15 bad user in chat
00:15:30 random extension of power
00:21:30 beautiful c code
00:28:20 ctypes load library
00:29:25 os path file exists python
00:31:25 pain of using C, multithreading
00:38:00 np.ctypeslib.as_array
00:41:25 c99 max function
00:43:30 c backend in 33 lines
00:49:45 indexError: list index out of range
00:52:50 segmentation fault 11
00:54:40 running tinygrad example
00:59:00 CLANG=1
01:00:40 using rust
01:01:40 thank you to everyone who keept the example working
01:06:10 gpu runner, jit_cache
01:08:10 args, buffers, malloc
01:19:10 CLPrograms error
01:20:45 loading the weights, identifying the inputs and outputs
01:23:00 c auto formatter tabs, clang-format
01:25:40 copyright, spreading the word, selling royce rolls
01:26:25 lib jpeg pain, linking to opencv, cheapeth scam
01:27:30 tiny corp is broke
01:27:55 bad chat, who can follow this, talking to Alex
01:29:15 can anyone follow this, explaining to noobs
01:36:00 arg max
01:37:55 c float infinity
01:43:35 language translation features from github
01:49:40 fread
01:56:10 512 bugged
01:58:20 how we are going to get an image?
02:00:30 c array of strings
02:03:20 very upset about reading the image
02:04:45 c example libjpeg
02:05:35 link to libjpeg
02:06:20 libjpeg dev homebrew, libpng
02:07:20 png file format, load png in c header only
02:08:10 c link to opencv
02:08:35 worse part of C
02:08:55 stb_image.h
02:21:45 trying coca cola image
02:24:10 remote control
02:25:50 embedding binary data in c
02:37:10 incompatible integer to pointer conversion
02:40:30 so long, putting it to the pipe
02:44:40 binary data in c header
02:49:35 I love temp, temp my favorite folder on computer
02:52:15 completely portable application that runs classifier
03:00:40 banana, hyperpop song
03:03:10 imagesnap
03:05:25 detecting objects via camera
03:08:40 triceratops
03:09:20 sending people to jail
03:11:25 distributing recognize to tinygrad.org
03:15:30 banana, c time nanoseconds, code html5
03:19:25 finding the right image, c assert, bing chatgpt
03:45:10 letting everyone else to test on their devices to fix any bugs
03:52:55 what can tiny corp do that other companies can't do
03:56:00 can you run this command on your terminal
03:58:00 what we should do next
04:01:40 49% of tiny corp to microsoft for $10B
04:02:10 openai code and models
04:03:25 George trolling the chat, vulcano story
04:04:40 Andrej Karpathy joining openai
04:05:30 what features to remove from c++
04:07:00 refactors to do
04:09:40 responsible ai, ai safety, anti democratic
04:12:30 chatgpt safety filter
04:19:10 bash command line assert output
04:21:45 tinybrowser, nn simple, tensors
04:24:10 compile c to wasm
04:28:30 python3 -m http.server
04:30:25 svelte wasm
04:32:30 javascript fetch
04:46:55 .wat file, wasienv
04:48:35 wasm
05:03:50 fromCharCode
05:14:00 javascript abort
05:16:40 SEEK_CUR
05:19:50 it works
05:26:40 upload file from javascript
05:35:30 doing style
05:51:50 connecting to webcam
05:55:15 fixing img box
06:05:20 camera capture
06:39:05 ios webcam from non https
06:44:20 working on iPhone
06:45:30 HackerNews
06:46:00 real future ideas
06:48:10 Alex on the phone
06:50:20 fixing bugs
06:56:25 governance tokens
06:57:20 happy hacking keyboard
06:57:50 what did we do today
06:58:15 net's in the browser
06:59:00 tiny corp no money, trap drums

Official George Hotz communication channels:
- https://geohot.com
- https://twitter.com/realGeorgeHotz
- https://instagram.com/georgehotz
- https://tinygrad.org
- https://geohot.github.io/blog
- https://twitch.tv/georgehotz
- https://github.com/geohot
- https://youtube.com/geohot

We archive George Hotz and comma.ai videos for fun.
Follow for notifications:
- https://twitter.com/geohotarchive

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See you at the next video.

George Hotz | Programming | simple C backend for tinygrad (the tiny corp needs contracts) | buy c3

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