
Different Types Of Running Workouts

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In this video, I explain all the different types of running workouts. Any successful running schedule or training program will have a nice blend of some or all of these different types of running workouts.
Easy/Recovery Run- As the name suggests, this run is all about running EASY. Usually done the day after a hard run or long run, a recovery run can help get the legs feeling back to normal.
Base Run- These types of runs make up the bulk of your training volume.
Long Run- Usually done once a week, a long run should make up roughly 20-30% of your weekly training mileage.
Tempo Run- Don't do these too hard/fast! A tempo run should be comfortably hard and is great for racing fitness.
Intervals/hills- These types of runs are usually of the highest intensity. Be careful not to overdo these, in terms of both intensity and volume.
Fartlek Run- Random, unstructured intervals. These can be easier to do in a group setting or with a coach present. Great for beginners and even experienced runners who want to ease back into a structured training plan.

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Different Types Of Running Workouts

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