
Whose body is it? Abortion, surrogacy, and objectification

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Is surrogacy a woman's choice or an inherently exploitative practice? Is abortion about baby killing or bodily autonomy? Do men see women as a collection of disconnected parts? This week, Mary Lou Singleton and Meghan Murphy take on two of the most controversial issues of our time: surrogacy and abortion, joined by Genevieve Gluck.

*CORRECTION: Ron Poole-Dayan, Executive Director of Men Having Babies, used his partner's sister's eggs and his own sperm, then used another woman to carry and birth twins.

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Genevieve Gluck is a writer with Reduxx. Find her online:

Mary Lou Singleton is a midwife, herbalist, and family nurse practitioner who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Follow Mary Lou Singleton online:
Subscribe to "How I healed," hosted by Jocelyn Macdonald and Mary Lou: https://howihealed.substack.com/

Meghan Murphy is the founder and editor of Feminist Current and the host and producer of the Feminist Current podcast: https://www.feministcurrent.com/category/podcasts/
She is also host of The Same Drugs:
Follow Meghan Murphy online:
Don't drink the koolaid: https://thesamedrugs.creator-spring.com/listing/new-don-t-drink-the-koolaid?product=46

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