
10 Minute Guided Meditation for Shrooms: Connect to your spirituality & creativity

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#ShroomsAffirmations #Guidedmeditation #Shrooms #Spirituality #Creativity

A 10 Minute guided meditation to feel the mental affirmations of Shrooms. Brace your self, as you prepare to transcend your previous state of consciousness, allowing you to connect to the divine source of infinite possibilities

Make your self comfortable and close your eyes…..

You can view the script of this guided meditation by clicking this link:

Buy your own copy via website!: https://bit.ly/3aghhki

To help gain full control of your life and live life the way YOU want.
Purchase my book:“The 10 Secret Foundations For A Successful Life”

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If your a fan of meditation and you believe it can help you, but you still don’t do it

consistently. Maybe you’ve had a streak of doing it for 2 weeks everyday, but something

comes up and you stop doing it for some reason and you feel guilty.

What you're experiencing is called Meditation Resistance... which is as old as Buddha.

Up until recently, the only way to overcome Meditation Resistance was to power through.

To have enough will power.

But there is a better way…

My friend Greg Thurston has a powerful method to feed your mind with calm, focus, and

clarity in a way that's fast and immediately enjoyable. This technique takes the effort and

struggle out of the equation...

So you completely avoid "Meditation Resistance", but still get all the stress reduction and

brain transformation. Check it out at: https://bit.ly/3nma4mD


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