
How Can Speed Reading Increase Comprehension | Jim Kwik

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If you want to have better comprehension when you read, read faster. Jim Kwik, the world’s leading expert on accelerated learning, share how anyone can do just that in his FREE Masterclass: https://go.mindvalley.com/superreading

A lot of us believe a grand lie that probably costs us massive amounts of learning and knowledge over the decades.

The Grand Lie: If you increase your reading speed, your comprehension would decrease.
The truth is that faster readers understand more of what they read than slow readers.

If you’re wondering why that is, picture this…
Think of your brain’s operations like driving a high-powered race car.
Now, if you’re racing through the track, you’re 100% focused, right?
Because if you could be headed for a crash.

In fact, when we drive everyday, we’re not really focusing at all — instead we’re checking our phones, looking at billboards, listening to music, drinking your coffee, daydreaming, and the list goes on.

Our brains work similarly to driving that fast car. The faster you go, the more you focus.
And the opposite happens when we slow down.
When you read slower, your brain loses focus. You’re not really paying attend, so you comprehend less.
This explains why many people say they find reading to be too boring or that they almost always fall asleep while reading.
And it’s because they read... slowly.
When you read fast, you focus on the act of reading and what’s in front of you.

If you’ve been wanting to speed up your learning rate and grow faster than you thought possible then you don’t want to miss this masterclass. This will help you permanently shave one to four hours off your learning time — every day, starting today.

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