
1980 - New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos [ed. Ramsey Campbell] (David Palmer)

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New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos
Edited by Ramsey Campbell
Read by David Palmer
Originally issued by NLS on cassette in 1982
Time for my bi-weekly anthology. I've been sticking mostly to sci-fi but I have a ton of horror anthologies. This has some good stuff in it. Someone here asked for A. A. Attanasio, so here is a taste of that author.
"Anthology of eight stories presented as a tribute to H.P. Lovecraft and as additions to the subgenre he favored, in which elements of science fiction and horror fiction are mixed."
Story list:
00:00:00 - (i) Book info
00:10:19 - (01) Introduction by Ramsey Campbell
00:15:05 - (02) Crouch End by Stephen King
01:26:21 - (03) The Star Pools by A. A. Attanasio
03:06:59 - (04) The Second Wish by Brian Lumley
04:14:05 - (05) Dark Awakening by Frank Belknap Long
04:45:34 - (06) Shaft Number 247 by Basil Copper
05:53:15 - (07) Black Man with a Horn by T. E. D. Klein
07:33:40 - (08) The Black Tome of Alsophocus by H. P. Lovecraft & Martin S. Warnes
07:58:49 - (09) Than Curse the Darkness by David Drake
09:03:19 - (10) The Faces at Pine Dunes by Ramsey Campbell

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1980 - New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos [ed. Ramsey Campbell] (David Palmer)

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