
ERASE Your Limiting Beliefs to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams

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A limiting belief is any thought that tells you that you can’t do something you dream of doing, being or having. It creates a box that you live within, never venturing to peek outside the flaps. Limiting beliefs are very tied to the old Earth Matrix control system that humanity was born into. When you learn how to erase your limiting beliefs, it's easy to manifest the life of your dreams.

Erin Werley is a bestselling spiritual awakening author of One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create & Lightworkers 101 đź’ś

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These services are not intended to replace the care or guidance of a physician. Always consult your physician before changing anything. All information provided by Erin Werley, Madleo Publishing, LLC within these services, courses, classes, audios, emails, calls, and any other communications (the “Services”) shall be considered by all parties to be explicitly for entertainment purposes only.

From the Erin's blog: Your soul is ALWAYS trying to get your attention. To point you in the direction of your life path, your soul mission here on Earth. The thing you came to this incarnation to create, the thing that ONLY you can create in your unique way. The thing that will bring you everything you’ve always desired. The thing that will light you up from within. The thing that will create a huge positive impact on other souls.

YOUR thing. THE thing.

And whatever it is, when you ping onto it, it won’t go away.

No matter how many limiting beliefs are rattling around in your head.

BUT, if you continue to LISTEN to these limiting beliefs, and IGNORE your calling, then you will, GUARANTEED, feel more and more miserable as each day passes.

There is no escaping our calling. NONE.

Yes, we can lie to ourselves, but we won’t be FREE until we jump out of the box of the limiting beliefs and DO THE THING our soul is here to do anyway.

However, as you may already realize, that’s not the simplest thing in the world.

And truly, it’s not meant to be simple.

Because life is a JOURNEY.

And you’re here, reading these words, because your soul has called you here.

It’s part of your journey.

And I’m going to show you how to move through the limiting beliefs, because it’s what my soul is calling me to do.

Through this, I create what I’m here to create and am lit up from within. I show you what’s possible for YOU, by defying the odds and doing what once seemed impossible for me.

Through me, you see that you don’t need AI to create something for you, because you aren’t here to fit into the box, the mold, the way things are done by the “normal, matrix people”.

You are here to unleash your soul and step into your POWER.

Because you, my love, are God/Source embodied and the entire creative power of the universe flows through your veins.

And while this is true for every human on the planet, what is different about YOU is that you’re AWAKE.

You aren’t trying to lie to yourself and hide from the truth anymore.

You KNOW this world is an illusion.

You just haven’t figured out how to win the game yet.

Again, Hi! I’m Erin, and I used to be EXACTLY like you. And I’m showing you how to be free.

How to jump out of the moldy old box of those limiting beliefs.

First, you have to be AWARE of 2 things;

1.What in the world do you WANT? Not, what are you supposed to want….but what DO you want? Like really. Like the THING that you want. Because I know this from experience: the thing we want most (the thing our soul is leading us to) HURTS to think about because we don’t have it yet and we don’t know how to get it. So most people do this: they close their eyes, look away, and pretend they don’t want it. They pick something less vibrant, less exciting, less TRUE to want. And then they don’t give a f#ck when they don’t get it, because they never really wanted it anyway.

They proceed to buy crap they don’t need and don’t want to fill the void of ignoring the thing their soul is calling them to. And that’s not to say don’t buy nice things…I LOVE nice things, but I LOVE the nice things my soul CALLS me to, not the nice things that I think, from a place of not being good enough that I need to feel better.

Because after spending most of my life with no self esteem or sense of self worth, I have HEALED and I KNOW that I AM WORTHY AND SO ARE YOU! So now I get the THING I REALLY WANT and I put the Stanley cup and all the other fads back on the shelf.

So, start by writing down what you want most in the world. And I DO NOT CARE if you absolutely could never have it and it’s just a daydream or crazy idea. WRITE IT DOWN. Because I promise you, all your magic is within the crazy dream that you could never make happen.

ERASE Your Limiting Beliefs to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams

Money Energetics Masterclass | Erin Werley

New Earth Energetics Masterclass

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