
HTL Perg: Mobile Computing and C# Course - Part 1 (Course Overview, .NET Core Fundamentals)

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This year, I give two courses at HTL Perg, a college for computer science: Software Engineering with C# and Mobile Computing. In both courses, I teach C#. This is the recording of the course.

This first lecture starts with some information about the course organization. Next, I talk about the structure of the course in terms of content. After that, we start with the first topic: Relationship of .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET Standard.

00:00 Course Organization
17:00 Course Content Overview
44:00 .NET Overview

HTL Perg: Mobile Computing and C# Course - Part 1 (Course Overview, .NET Core Fundamentals)

HTL Perg: Mobile Computing and C# Course - Part 6 (Exam Review, Unit Testing Basics)

HTL Perg: Mobile Computing and C# Course - Part 5 (Debugging, Consuming Web APIs)

HTL Perg: C# Course - Cover Lesson about LINQ

What is the ASP.NET Core Minimal API? (Part 2)

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Advanced Entity Framework Techniques

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