
Practicing Energy Bagua Creates a Positive Energy Field

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| Cultivating energy fields by circling.

Everyone emanates their own energy field. The aura can range from gentle and inviting to dark and gloomy. Sensitive people are more likely to know the other person’s temperament and health condition without engaging in conversation, simply by sensing the energy field emitted by them.
How are human energy fields formed? How are they formed when we practice Energy Bagua? How does Energy Bagua benefit our energy fields? Grandmaster JinBodhi has all the answers.

#JinBodhi #GrandmasterJinBodhi #EnergyBagua #EnergyBaguaforBeginners #Energy Field #Electricity #Health #Gentle #Healing

🔗 Energy Bagua Official Website: https://www.energy-bagua.com/en

Practicing Energy Bagua Creates a Positive Energy Field

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