
Chairish Digital Marketing Looks Great!

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Chairish Digital Marketing Looks Great!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/attnagency
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/attnagency/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/attnagency

Chairish, just starting with their website really quick so you can get an idea. It's just home décor, all the different things that you can buy here. I don't know, maybe I'm not seeing a lot of the products that they're selling, but it feels like to the right audience, this green chair, or this cute little white chair with a blue seat, these are all products that should be sold on Facebook, even silhouettes like this. You can do dynamic retargeting ... any brand out there with a lot of skews like this by the way, you can do dynamic product retargeting for people that have just viewed this chair, and put this right back in their feed the next day, that same day. And, have a few different options of the same seat shown at them, and different colors.

Or, maybe side tables, or whatever it might be. All these products can be in your catalog. And, if you've got a catalog software like we do, then you can optimize out the products that do not convert. Or, the brand doesn't want to sell. If you didn't want to sell red sofas, or they don't convert, you could just eliminate those from your catalog, and only focus on chairs, seat ... what, side chairs these are called, dining side chairs. You could just eliminate those from your feed, and just focus on dining side chairs like this. Or, a plethora of other products that they have.

The options are infinite for people. Especially as you start looking at Google, and high intense search, it is really going to be a great place for you to use display for retargeting, or YouTube for retargeting, and even search for retargeting when people look at certain products. And, you create audiences around different types of furniture. Paintings are going to attract maybe a different audience than those chairs, and anybody whose looked at this painting, I can create an audience of people that have looked, or engaged with, or added to cart any kind of painting like this, or print, or whatever the options are. Three ... what does it say? 394 items? That's a lot of skews. There's probably, I don't know, thousands of skews with this company. They need a catalog with all of those.

I'm not sure if they're doing that, I'm just saying because I don't see a ... I only see one type of product being sold on Facebook, I assume there's not a heavy build out in your catalog. A little brand protection on Google, very nice. Let's see how shopping looks, Chairish. Modern classics, article, Chairish, Chairish, Chairish. Okay, yeah, they're doing a pretty good job. It's very hard to get every spot at the very top by the way, so they are the first that comes up. But, as you can see, the rest of these are all Chairish, and this is just a branded search.

Yeah, shopping looks great, you guys are doing a good job there. Let's check you out on LinkedIn. Oh no. Oh wow, I would have thought for sure there were ads up on LinkedIn. It's such a great platform, I mean look at all this cool stuff you guys sell, like wall art for your office. I wonder if they even have a section for office. Oh. I mean, rugs, furniture, wall art, look at all this stuff. I mean, you could sell office chairs, or desks, tables, wall art, anything on LinkedIn to people that need it. Even just building an audience of people that are architects, or interior designers. I mean, you can create an ad targeting just the interior designers, build an audience off of those people, and then retarget to them on Facebook, and retarget to them on Google, YouTube even. A lot of opportunity there.

But, generally I love the company. It looks really great, they have a million products for sale, really. It's so cool to see. Look at this, 45,000 items. Wow, incredible. I'd love to know what the hero products are. Anyway, go check out Chairish if you need some new gear for your home or office. My name's Bobby Dietz, thanks for watching this ad review, and we'll see you in the next one.

Chairish Digital Marketing Looks Great!

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