
10 Mineral Rich Foods That You Should Eat Regularly

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10 Foods that are high in minerals
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We'll be talking about these items in this video:
- Which foods are high in minerals?
- What are the mineral-rich foods?
- Which minerals are necessary for the body?
- Which minerals should we use every day?
- How to take minerals?
- What are the mineral sources?
- Which minerals should we eat regularly?
- What are the major minerals?
- What are the minor minerals?
- Which foods contain minerals?
- Which foods are rich in Iron?
- What are the side effects of not having enough minerals in the body?
- What are the foods rich in Calcium?
The major minerals
These are minerals that the body needs, including:
1- Calcium
More than 90% of calcium is stored in teeth, bones, and nails, and the rest is involved in the secretion of hormones and the function of muscles and blood vessels. Yogurt, milk, buttermilk, cheese, vegetables, and green leafy veggies are rich in calcium. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. As we mentioned before, more than 99% of it is stored in teeth and bones, and the rest is used in blood vessels and muscle function, cell communication, and hormonal secretion. Calcium sources:
2- Magnesium
Magnesium is another mineral needed by the body that causes more than three hundred chemical reactions in the body. Magnesium has an effective role in the function of muscles of the body, nerves, and strengthening bones. You can get the magnesium your body needs by eating wheat bran, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, soybeans, potatoes, and almonds. The body uses magnesium in more than 300 biochemical reactions, including maintaining muscle and nerve function, maintaining a stable heart rhythm, and keeping strong bones.
3- Phosphorus
Phosphorus is one of the minerals needed by the body, which has an effective role in controlling blood pressure and reducing kidney stones. This mineral also strengthens bones and affects the normal function of the blood. Dairy products, meat, eggs, peas, and bread are all foods that contain phosphorus.
4- Potassium
Potassium rejuvenates the body and controls high blood pressure. This mineral also reduces the risk of stroke and is found in foods such as tomato paste, potatoes, legumes, beet leaves, eggplant, plums, fish, bananas, yogurt, and milk. Potassium is an essential electrolyte that is essential for controlling the heart's electrical activity. It is also involved in building proteins and muscles and breaking down carbohydrates into energy. Other potassium sources are: sweet baked potatoes containing about 700 mg of potassium. Tomato paste, beet leaves, ordinary potatoes, red meat, chicken, and fish are also good sources of potassium.
5- Sodium
Sodium balances body fluids and is found in foods high in salt and processed foods.
6- Sulfur
This substance plays an important role in protecting the cells of the body and is effective in the activities of the brain, skin, hair, and nails. Fish, eggs, dried beans, cabbage, meat, milk, almonds, and walnuts can be used to provide the necessary phosphorus for the body.
Minor minerals
7- Iron
Our body needs iron for cell growth and oxygen transport. There are two types of iron in food. The first category is in foods such as red meat, fish, and poultry, and the second category is in plant foods such as lentils and beans. Proteins in our body use this mineral to carry oxygen and grow cells. Most of the body's iron is found in hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body's tissues. Iron sources: heme iron (in animal foods such as red meat, fish, and poultry) and nonheme iron (in plant sources such as lentils and beans). The chicken liver also contains the highest amount of iron among foods, with 11 mg per serving or 61% DV.
8- Zinc
This mineral is found in foods such as red meat, fortified breakfast cereals, and a group of seafood. This mineral affects the function of the immune system and nervous system.
9- Manganese
Manganese helps produce some enzymes and plays an important role in bone formation. This mineral is also present in foods such as legumes, especially beans, nuts, whole grains, tea, etc.
10- Selenium
This substance protects the body's cells and controls thyroid hormones. Selenium is a mineral with antioxidant properties. The body needs only a small amount of it, but it plays an important role in preventing chronic diseases. It also helps regulate thyroid function and the immune system. Selenium sources Only 6 to 8 Brazil nuts contain 544 micrograms of selenium, which is 777% DV.
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