
Sufism | Wikipedia audio article

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00:03:21 1 Definitions
00:04:52 2 Etymology
00:06:05 3 History
00:06:14 3.1 Origins
00:10:58 3.2 As an Islamic discipline
00:14:36 3.3 Formalization of doctrine
00:17:55 3.4 Growth of influence
00:20:08 3.5 Modern era
00:25:32 4 Aims and objectives
00:26:30 4.1 Teachings
00:29:28 4.2 Muhammad
00:32:10 4.2.1 Sufi beliefs about Muhammad
00:33:46 4.3 Sufism and Islamic law
00:35:40 4.4 Traditional Islamic thought and Sufism
00:37:38 4.5 iNeo-Sufism/i
00:39:10 5 Theoretical perspectives
00:40:53 5.1 Contributions to other domains of scholarship
00:42:49 6 Devotional practices of Sufis
00:45:52 6.1 Dhikr
00:47:44 6.2 Muraqaba
00:49:08 6.3 Sufi whirling
00:50:58 6.4 Music
00:51:49 7 Saints
00:53:59 7.1 Visitation
00:55:10 7.2 Miracles
00:56:06 8 Persecution
00:57:20 9 Prominent Sufis
00:57:29 9.1 Abdul-Qadir Gilani
00:58:50 9.2 Abul Hasan ash-Shadhili
00:59:47 9.3 Ahmad al-Tijani
01:00:21 9.4 Bayazid Bastami
01:00:48 9.5 Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
01:01:41 9.6 Ibn Arabi
01:02:48 9.7 Junayd of Baghdad
01:03:45 9.8 Mansur Al-Hallaj
01:04:38 9.9 Moinuddin Chishti
01:05:55 9.10 Rabi'a al-'Adawiyya
01:07:08 10 Shrines
01:07:54 11 Major Sufi orders
01:08:33 11.1 Bektashi
01:08:59 11.2 Chishti
01:09:42 11.3 Kubrawiya
01:10:20 11.4 Mawlawiyya
01:10:35 11.5 Muridiyya
01:10:53 11.6 Naqshbandi
01:11:59 11.7 Nimatullahi
01:12:36 11.8 Qadiri
01:13:22 11.9 Senussi
01:14:08 11.10 Shadiliyya
01:14:44 11.11 Suhrawardiyya
01:15:09 11.12 Tijaniyya
01:15:27 12 Symbols associated with the Sufi Orders
01:15:38 13 Reception
01:15:47 13.1 Perception outside Islam
01:19:05 13.2 Influence on Judaism
01:22:46 14 In popular culture
01:22:56 14.1 Music
01:23:15 14.2 Literature
01:24:01 15 Gallery
01:24:10 16 See also

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"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates

Sufism, or Taṣawwuf (Arabic: الْتَّصَوُّف‎; personal noun: صُوفِيّ‎ ṣūfiyy / ṣūfī, مُتَصَوِّف‎ mutaṣawwif), variously defined as "Islamic mysticism", "the inward dimension of Islam" or "the phenomenon of mysticism within Islam", is mysticism in Islam, "characterized ... [by particular] values, ritual practices, doctrines and institutions" which began very early in Islamic history and represents "the main manifestation and the most important and central crystallization of" mystical practice in Islam. Practitioners of Sufism have been referred to as "Sufis" (Arabic plurals: صُوفِيَّة‎ ṣūfiyyah; صُوفِيُّون‎ ṣūfiyyūn; مُتَصَوُّفََة‎ mutaṣawwifah; مُتَصَوُّفُون‎ mutaṣawwifūn).Historically, Sufis have often belonged to different ṭuruq, or "orders" – congregations formed around a grand master referred to as a wali who traces a direct chain of successive teachers back to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. These orders meet for spiritual sessions (majalis) in meeting places known as zawiyas, khanqahs or tekke. They strive for ihsan (perfection of worship), as detailed in a hadith: "Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see Him; if you can't see Him, surely He sees you." Sufis regard Muhammad as al-Insān al-Kāmil, the primary perfect man who exemplifies the morality of God, and see him as their leader and prime spiritual guide.
All Sufi orders trace most of their original precepts from Muhammad through his cousin and son-in-law Ali, with the notable exception of one.
Although the overwhelming majority of Sufis, both pre-modern and modern, were and are adherents of Sunni Islam, there also developed certain strands of Sufi practice within the ambit of Shia Islam during the late medieval period. Although Sufis were opposed to dry legalism, they strictly observed Islamic law and belonged to various schools of Islamic jurisprudence and theology.Sufis have been characterized by their asceticism, especially by their a ...

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