
Day 3 - HTB Cyber Santa CTF: HackTheBox Capture The Flag 2021

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Video walkthrough for the challenges from Day 3 of the @HackTheBox "Cyber Santa" Capture The Flag (CTF) 2021. We'll cover some Forensics (DFIR), Reverse Engineering (RE), Binary Exploitation (Pwn), Cryptography (Crypto) and Web challenges including: Command Injection, public key attacks, malware registry persistence, assembly code (ASM), traffic analysis, buffer overflow (ROP/ret2libc) and static/dynamic binary analysis. We'll make use of popular tools including Ghidra, GDB-PwnDbg, Checksec, PwnTools, Wireshark/Tshark, Burp Suite, Radare, RsaCtfTool and Volatility. Write-ups/tutorials aimed at beginners - Hope you enjoy 🙂 #HackTheBox #HTBCyberSanta21 #CaptureTheFlag #CTF

HackTheBox: https://affiliate.hackthebox.com/cryptocat-htb
HTB Academy: https://affiliate.hackthebox.com/cryptocat-academy

↢Social Media↣
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_CryptoCat
GitHub: https://github.com/Crypto-Cat
HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.eu/profile/11897
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cryptocat
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/_CryptoCat23
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/CryptoCat23
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cryptocat23

↢Hack The Box↣

Ghidra: https://ghidra-sre.org/CheatSheet.html
Volatility: https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility/wiki/Linux
PwnTools: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools-tutorial
CyberChef: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/
DCode: https://www.dcode.fr/en
HackTricks: https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-methodology
CTF Tools: https://github.com/apsdehal/awesome-ctf
Forensics: https://cugu.github.io/awesome-forensics/
Decompile Code: https://www.decompiler.com/
Run Code: https://tio.run/

Start: 0:00
Web: Gadget Santa - 0:30
Crypto: Missing Reindeer - 6:30
Forensics: Persist - 11:39
Pwn: Naughty List - 15:16
Reversing: Intercept - 36:46
End: 46:54

Day 3 - HTB Cyber Santa CTF: HackTheBox Capture The Flag 2021

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