
13 UNEXPLAINED Underwater Discoveries

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It’s been said that there are more historical artefacts underneath the waters than in the museums above them. Let’s have a look at some mind blowing underwater discoveries that have left people questioning the world..

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7 - Going it alone
It is common knowledge that marine biologists set up underwater sensors in order to track whales and listen to their calls, or whale song as it is affectionately known. Experts can identify the particular species by the sounds, and have also managed to attach certain meanings to some of the calls. But then 52 came along. This whale is known as 52 as it is the only one ever to be discovered to call at a frequency of 52-Hertz. What’s up with that? 52 has never been heard communicating with other whales, as they can’t hear him or her. Does it have a problem with its vocal cords or could it be the last of a near-extinct species? Or is it a new species yet to be discovered, and if so where are the others? It is thought the poor whale is constantly looking for another of its species, so it could well be the last of its kind.
Also strange is that the whale has never been found, but researchers continue to, well, search. Hopefully he or she will be found to provide answers, and who knows, maybe even assist it somehow.

6 - A handy find
Ironically, one of the Curators of Underwater New York, found a robotic hand washed up on a beach at Staten Island. Under Water New York is one of the more recent additions to the city’s museum stable, focussing on the waterways around the urban area, and underwater finds. Wouldn’t something so hi-tech have been missed by someone? If you see any unhappy robots in the area missing a hand, please lend us a hand and let us know.

5 - Flights of Fancy
It was a rather surprising find to discover an entire airplane at the bottom of Lake Norman in North Carolina back in 2013. What made the find even more mysterious was that there were no reports of plane crashes or missing planes in the area.
This was one rare mystery that was solved when Barbara Anderson came forward and explained the rather mundane event that led up to the plane being underwater. One of her flight instructors merely forgot to put the locking gear on the plane, it rolled down and settled into the water, and it’s whereabouts were a mystery until now.

4 - There she blows
Off the Gulf of Alaska in 2015, 30 whale carcasses were found washed up on the shore. When you see one that’s been beached, it’s very sad, imagine seeing 30 of these majestic creatures. It’s still not confirmed as to what was the cause of their demise, as it’s believed that they were not beaching themselves intentionally. That means something in the water had done harm to the whales but what that something is, is unclear. The most plausible theory is that it was possibly a poisonous algae, although another, more exciting theory is to pin the blame on the monstrous sea kraken!

3 - Undersea stones
Divers came across a massive stone structure in a circular formation, under the Sea of Galilee, in 2003. Many things have been discovered on the seabed, given Israel’s rich history, but nothing quite like this. The formation is made of huge shaped rocks, and at over 50 000 tons is twice the size of Stonehenge. The purpose and date remain unknown, but the conical shape of the arrangement has archaeologists speculating that it may have been an ancient burial site, or perhaps a huge bronze statue. The site is extremely difficult to excavate, given the location and the size of the structure. That combined with the fact that there is nothing similar in the area, has left experts somewhat confused as to the origin and purpose.

2 - An amazing discovery
Microbes were discovered on the seabed in 2012. yawn, right? Wrong! These aren’t your good old garden variety microbes, but ones that are from the Jurassic period. What’s more is they are alive! You heard right, as in not dead. That makes them like, almost 90 million years old. It is remarkable to say the least, that these organisms are still living, particularly in an environment of extremely low oxygen and no fresh food supply. Their perseverance is down mainly to their extremely low metabolism, and unsurprisingly, they have been declared the oldest living organisms in the world.


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