
Josh Duhamel on impending fatherhood, preparations for baby

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(21 Mar 2013) SHOTLIST
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles, 5 February 2013
1. Medium Josh Duhamel hugs, kisses wife Fergie on arrivals line at "Safe Haven" premiere
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles, 20 March 2013
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Josh Duhamel/Actor, on impending fatherhood:
"You have a chance to see life through a child's eyes again. There's something really exciting about that to me. People used to say, 'Oh you should have them young so that by the time they leave, you're still young.' Well to me, I've lived my youth. Now I get to relive my youth through my child and see my child live all that. So everybody's got a different path. I wouldn't change anything. We're completely happy. We're much wiser than we were ten years ago. We're much more ready. I think we're so strong as a couple and I think that all of those things are really important when you bring a little one into the world."
3. Medium Duhamel talks to reporter
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Josh Duhamel/Actor, on impending fatherhood:
"I've always always loved kids and I've always wanted to be a father. To me, it's the most important thing in the world. I don't claim to know anything. We're going to learn like anybody else learns when they first have a kid. So my goal is to just raise a good little human being, that's it."
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles, 5 February 2013
5. Medium tilt down Josh Duhamel on arrivals line
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles, 20 March 2013
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Josh Duhamel/Actor, on impending fatherhood:
"This is something I've sort of been watching for years. All of my friends have kids. My sister has got twins. I have two younger sisters -- much younger. One was...She had one when I was a sophomore in high school, and another one when I was a sophomore in college."
Reporter: "So you were kind of a dad."
Duhamel: "So I helped a lot as a teenager helping my mom with them. I remember, it was the weirdest thing - my mom has babies all of a sudden. I was like, 'Mother you're not even supposed to be having sex. What are these and where did they come from?'"
7. Wide zoom to medium Duhamel talks to reporter
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Josh Duhamel/Actor, on parenting advice he received:
"I've just picked a lot up along the way. Whether it's - from giving them structure at an early age to - when they wake up in the middle of the night, you don't cuddle them or get their attention. You just feed them and put them right back."
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles, 5 February 2013
9. Medium pan left Fergie on arrivals line
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles, 20 March 2013
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Josh Duhamel/Actor, on giving Fergie parenting advice:
"You know, I was telling my wife yesterday. She didn't know that you can bathe kids in a sink when they're newborn. That's where you bathe them, in a sink, because they're so little. She's like, 'Really?!'"
11. Medium Duhamel talks to reporter
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Josh Duhamel/Actor, on childproofing home:
"I'm realizing how much work we're going to have to do to childproof our place. Or move. We're not sure yet."
13. Medium Duhamel talks to reporter
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Josh Duhamel/Actor, on childproofing home:
"You start thinking about those things. You really do, and things that I've never thought about before."
(Reporter: "Like what?")
Duhamel: "Windows. Making sure there's, you know. Balconies! Stairs! All of it."
Reporter:"They're all terrifying."
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles, 5 February 2013
15. Wide Duhamel on arrivals line
Is a boy on the way for Josh Duhamel and Fergie?

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Josh Duhamel on impending fatherhood, preparations for baby

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