
40 de intrebari cu Denise Rifai (18.02.2024) - Andrew Tate | COMPLETE edition

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40 de intrebari cu Denise Rifai (18.02.2024) - Andrew Tate | COMPLETE edition

#40deIntrebariCuDeniseRifai #KanalD #DeniseRifai #AndrewTate

With billions of views on social networks and hundreds of thousands of students on online platforms, Andrew Tate is currently under judicial control, accused of human trafficking, rape, hitting and violence, alongside his brother, Tristan Tate. The trial of the two brothers held the first pages of the press in Romania and the world. In August this year, the two brothers escaped house arrest, being placed under judicial control, with several prohibitions, including not leaving the territory of Romania.

In this Sunday's interview, Denise Rifai will address 40 questions aimed at shedding light on Andrew Tate's past and present, as well as the actions that brought him to the point of being charged.

"How much bribe did you give in Romania?", "Have you laundered money through real estate business?", "Why did you hit women?", "How many women do you own?", "Are you poorer than people think?", "How dangerous is Cobra Tate?", "Do you feel safe in Romania?", these are some of the questions Andrew Tate will have to answer to.

00:00 - Intro
02:30 - Do you feel safe in Romania?
04:49 - Did you expect more support?
07:13 - How big is Andrew Tate’s online army?
09:27 - When did you become so vocal?
12:09 - Have you ever disappointed your father?
14:32 - How much did you yearn for your father's love?
17:00 - Could you still live in poverty?
20:06 - When did no one dare to laugh at Andrew Tate?
23:05 - How many times have you had to stand up?
25:31 - Have you ever entered the cage out of pleasure?
28:04 - Why did you hit women?
30:32 - Is England too restrictive for Andrew Tate?
33:44 - Have you ever lost control?
36:15 - How much bribe did you give in Romania?
40:10 - How much money did you make from videochat?
42:36 - Are men or women easier to fool?
45:33 - How many women do you own?
48:24 - Have you laundered money through real estate business?
52:04 - How many times have you lost on your brother’s hand?
55:21 - Are you persona non grata?
58:34 - Were you warned by someone from inside DIICOT?
01:01:50 - How many times have you given yourself away?
01:04:16 - What did you feel in prison: anger or fear?
01:08:02 - How arrogant are you?
01:11:01 - Is your brother the weak link?
01:13:23 - What are your sins?
01:16:08 - Have you ever quarreled with your brother?
01:19:15 - Why do you despise your sister?
01:22:04 - Did the women in your family overtake the men?
01:25:18 - Did your mother disown you?
01:27:33 - Have you done your sonly duty to your father?
01:30:23 - Are you poorer than people think?
01:32:34 - How much do you trust women?
01:34:57 - How many women hate you?
01:38:15 - Is Andrew Tate still an alpha male?
01:41:25 - Are the Romanian stars too small for you?
01:43:53 - Do you love someone more than yourself?
01:46:30 - How much does God help you?
01:48:59 - What is Andrew Tate's greatest fear?
01:52:00 - How dangerous is Cobra Tate?

Cu miliarde de vizualizări pe rețelele sociale și sute de mii de cursanți pe platformele online, Andrew Tate este in prezent sub control judiciar, acuzat de trafic de persoane, viol, lovire și alte violențe, alături de fratele sau, Tristan Tate. Procesul celor doi frati a tinut primele pagini ale presei din Romania si din lume. In luna august a acestui an, cei doi frati au scăpat de arestul la domiciliu, fiind plasați sub control judiciar, cu mai multe interdicții, precum si aceea de a nu părăsi teritoriul României.

În cadrul interviului din aceasta duminică, Denise Rifai va adresa cele 40 de întrebări, menite sa facă lumina in ceea ce privește trecutul și prezentul lui Andrew Tate, precum si acțiunile care l-au adus in punctul de a fi pus sub acuzare.

"Câtă mită ați dat în România?", "Ați spălat bani prin afaceri imobiliare?", "De ce loviti femeile?", "Câte femei aveți în proprietate?", "Ce păcate aveți?", "Sunteți mai sărac decât se crede?", "Cât de periculos este Cobra Tate?", "Vă simțiți în siguranță în România?", acestea sunt câteva dintre întrebările la care Andrew Tate va trebui sa răspundă.

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40 de intrebari cu Denise Rifai (18.02.2024) - Andrew Tate | COMPLETE edition

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