
Creationist Makes Terrible Arguments on JRE (A Response)

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Dr. Stephen Meyer argues for intelligent design, skeptics respond.

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Dr. Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast (episode #2008). He advocated for intelligent design and the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, and in the process, made dubious claims about evolutionary biology and religious psychology. Jon Perry of Stated Clearly joins me to respond to Meyer’s claims.

Listen to my conversation with Jon about this JRE episode: https://youtu.be/y39fTTh4zrI

Jon Perry’s YouTube Channels:
Stated Clearly: https://www.youtube.com/@StatedClearly
Stated Casually: https://www.youtube.com/@statedcasually

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Non-sectarian Biblical Studies Courses by Dr. Bart Ehrman (affiliate link):


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-------------------------Resources for atheists in need-------------------------

Find a Secular Therapist: https://www.seculartherapy.org

Recovering from Religion helps connect those who are leaving or have left their religion with support, resources and community: https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/#rfr-welcome

Resources for Ex-Mu’s: https://exmuslims.org/our-resources/


Stated Clearly animations about Genetic Information
Part 1: https://youtu.be/DlhpvcgK_28
Part 2: https://youtu.be/G4VINRUe_o4

Talk by Gerd Müller https://downloads.royalsociety.org//events/2016/11/evolutionary-biology/muller.mp3

2016 Meeting Website (with links to all talks) https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2016/11/evolutionary-biology/

Study on deconversion from Christianity https://dspace2.creighton.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10504/64291/2011-21.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

“Non-believers just want to sin” deconstructed:

Dr. Elizabeth Loftus on memory

Why Christian martyrs were executed by Rome https://youtu.be/sIjpx1ymRQ4

My video on the psychology of god belief

This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA

Creationist Makes Terrible Arguments on JRE (A Response)

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