
Embodied Passion & Creating Intimacy in Relationships - Everyday Embodiment | Mark Walsh

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Everyday Embodiment – Tools for the Real World
A newly released practical video course you can do in your own time at home.


Do you train, teach or coach others?
Great, then you probably know that the body matters.

As embodiment specialists, we can help you work pragmatically with the body, including in corporate and other ‘mainstream’ environments.

Join the course: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/

On this course, you deepen your own embodied wisdom and learn how to guide others on that journey. You’ll also connect to a supportive, diverse community of change-makers, community-builders and arse-kickers.

For us, this work is also about making the world a better place. A big reason things are screwed up is that people are disconnected from their bodies, which means they’re disconnected from themselves, others and the planet. Embodiment is vital for reconnection.

Watch more demos: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/coaching-demos/

“Embodiment is my obsession, my life’s work and my chosen field for helping to unfuck the planet, whilst enjoying the kick-arse circus of being human all the more. EFC has been built over the last five years from the sweat and tears of wonderful people. It’s well structured, well organised, tried and tested, and it really does the job. EFC has grown beyond my own flaws into something special and I love being a fire-starter in that.”

Mark Walsh, EFC founder and co-lead trainer


Not a coach, but wanting to learn more about embodiment?
Everyday Embodiment is a course that consists of series of high quality videos that cover:

– What the hell embodiment is anyway!

– The best “quick-win” techniques for daily life

– Tips for all your important relationships

– Tools for every room of your house

– Practices for dealing with stress, arguments, pain, romance, parenting (from Jane), health, anxiety, confidence, focus, money issues, shame, anger, and trauma

It’s over 5 hours of content, in bite-sized videos (most about 10 minutes long each), that you can view on your phone, tablet or lap-top. You can work though them in your own time, at your own pace, whenever you like.

Join here : https://embodimenteveryday.com/

Embodied Passion & Creating Intimacy in Relationships - Everyday Embodiment | Mark Walsh

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