
读历史写评论鉴人性 Reflecting on Humanity by Inspecting History | 许国伟 Koh Kok Wee | TEDxPetalingStreet

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于是,他选择用故事说历史; 用历史论新闻,从而把历史的生涩冲淡,加深大众对新闻的共鸣感,以此来借鉴大众。他深知,时事评论是把双刃剑,须时时兼听,不可偏信。即使有时会遭千夫指,也该多角度分析时事,才能引发大众的思考和讨论。


As a history graduate, Koh Kok Wee has a knack for writing news commentary using historical narratives. He believes that many current events and development have a pattern of historical reenactment due to the constant of human nature.

Therefore, by using stories from our history to discuss news, Koh polishes the rough dissonance that the public has towards history into news that resonated with all, thus allowing people to learn from them. He is aware that commentary on current affairs can be a double-edged sword; however, while he was sometimes heavily criticized, Koh believes that it is necessary to analyze current issues from different angles to initiate people to think and discuss. In his work, Koh abides by this quote from the late Chinese historian and social critic Bo Yang: “Do not sing for the king, but speak for the people”.

#TEDx #TEDxPetalingStreet #TEDx茨廠街 #TEDx茨厂街 #Reset2022 #啟2022 #启2022 #许国伟 #許國偉 #KohKokWee #Speakers2022 台大历史系毕业的许国伟,擅长用历史写新闻评论。他认为,因为人性的不变,导致许多时事的发展脉络逃不开一次次历史的重演。于是,他选择用故事说历史; 用历史论新闻,从而把历史的生涩冲淡,加深大众对新闻的共鸣感,以此来借鉴大众。他深知,时事评论是把双刃剑,须时时兼听,不可偏信。即使有时会遭千夫指,也该多角度分析时事,才能引发大众的思考和讨论。
As a history graduate, Koh Kok Wee has a knack for writing news commentary using historical narratives. He believes that many current events and development have a pattern of historical reenactment due to the constant of human nature.

Therefore, by using stories from our history to discuss news, Koh polishes the rough dissonance that the public has towards history into news that resonated with all, thus allowing people to learn from them. He is aware that commentary on current affairs can be a double-edged sword; however, while he was sometimes heavily criticized, Koh believes that it is necessary to analyze current issues from different angles to initiate people to think and discuss. In his work, This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

读历史写评论鉴人性 Reflecting on Humanity by Inspecting History | 许国伟 Koh Kok Wee | TEDxPetalingStreet

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