
Karmapa-Prayers for the Pandemic to Subside

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Karmapa-Prayers for the Pandemic to Subside.🙏🙏🙏🌹🌺🌸2020-04-18
His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje led the Heart Sutra prayers on the first day. The coronavirus pandemic has created great misfortune throughout the entire world. These prayers are to avert adversity and serve the needs of the living and deceased and to be recited during a worldwide service where male and female dharma practitioners pray for the epidemic to subside and for everyone living or deceased to find happiness.

Karmapa-Prayers for the Pandemic to Subside


Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 4

Karmapa-Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 2

Karmapa-Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 4

KARMAPA-Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 3

Karmapa-Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 6

Karmapa-Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 7

Karmapa-Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 5

Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 5

Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 7

Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 2

7 Talks in English by Karmapa in Prayers to Quell the Pandemic

H.H the Gyalwang Karmapa Prayers to quell the pandemic day 5

Karmapa-Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 5

Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 3

KARMAPA-Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 3

Karmapa-Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 4

Prayers to quell the Pandemic Day 6

2020.04.24(共修圆满日)大宝法王尊者慈悲直播开示 领众为全球疫情祈祷 念诵《陀罗尼集 萨迦愈病 安素本母简轨》 Karmapa Lead Prayers to quell pandemic

His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa special talk Coronavirus pandemic.

PRAYERS FOR A TIME OF PANDEMIC Day 1 of 7 by 17th Gyalwang Karmapa

2020.04.23大宝法王尊者慈悲直播开示 领众为全球疫情祈祷 念诵《极乐净土祈愿文》恰美仁波切著 Karmapa Lead Prayers to quell pandemic

2020.4.20 大宝法王尊者慈悲领众为全球疫情祈祷 念诵 《不动佛陀罗尼经》His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa will lead the day 3 pra

2020.4.19 Karmaba 大宝法王尊者慈悲领众为全球疫情祈祷 念诵 普贤行愿品《三蕴经》 Prayers to quell pandemic Karmapa

PRAYERS FOR A TIME OF PANDEMIC Day 6 of 7 by 17th Gyalwang Karmapa

Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje led the Heart Sutra prayers on the 4/18/2020

His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa advice how to stay positive during world crisis..

PRAYERS FOR A TIME OF PANDEMIC Day 5 of 7 by 17th Gyalwang Karmapa

Tuesday Night Rebroadcasts of Prayers for a Time of Pandemic with His Holiness Karmapa Tuesday Eveni

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