
UK EU Relations under Theresa May's Government

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This was an open lecture which bought together scholars and professionals from various backgrounds to analyse 99 days of Theresa May's Government and the challenges to UK-EU relations brought about by Brexit. This interdisciplinary event tackled issues such as single market access, the economic impact of Brexit, voting behaviour in the referendum and the role of the media in shaping public attitudes towards the EU. The lecture is organised by the Department of Economics and Warwick Policy Lab (WPL).

The panel consisted of;

Vera Troegar, PPE Coordinator. Department of Economics, University of Warwick

Ben Farrand, Faculty of Law, University of Warwick

Andreas Murr, Department of Politics and International Relations (PAIS) and Warwick Q-Step Centre.

Davide Morisi, Journalist and researcher at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom (CMPF), European University Institute.

Anna Wilson, Communications OFficer, Young European Movement (YEM).

Chair: Tatiana Coutto, Department of Economics and Warwick Policy Lab, University of Warwick.

UK EU Relations under Theresa May's Government

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