
Foot Strengthening Exercises

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Dr Ozello's Sports Medicine Report: Foot Strengthening Exercises

***Disclaimer: Please visit a medical profession before beginning an exercise program. Viewing this video does not take the place of seeing a medical professional or working with a fitness professional. Please visit a medical professional for evaluation, diagnosis & treatment. Please work with a fitness professional to learn proper exercise technique & to develop a proper training program. Never perform an exercise that elicits or intensifies symptoms. If an exercise elicits or intensifies symptoms, stop immediately and use a viable substitute.

Strengthen your feet to improve your posture, motion & athletic performance. The feet are our walking, running & standing foundation. Healthy feet thrust us forward while walking, running & jumping. Develop strength in the muscles which support the arches of the feet to improve your posture & prevent injury. Basic & advanced foot exercises performed correctly & consistently will strengthen the arches & decrease the risk of injury.
The foot & lower leg are a coordinated system of bones, joints, muscles, tendons & ligaments. Each foot & ankle contains twenty-six bones, thirty-three joints & more than one hundred muscles, tendons & ligaments. A complex arrangement of nerves & blood vessels exists in the feet. These structures work in unison to support the body & set the body in motion. The foot is a weight bearing system capable of multiple movements & functions.
Each foot contains arches: Medial longitudinal arch, Lateral longitudinal arch & Transverse arch. These arches are often weak and/or non-existent. Many people have “flat feet.” Performing foot & lower leg strengthening exercises will not heighten your fallen arches. Foot & lower leg exercises re-educate the muscles, increase function, improve motor skills & lessen the possibility of injury.
The entire body works in synergy. The kinetic chain is a term used to explain how the body’s joints & muscles function as a unit. The feet & ankles are the foundation of the weight bearing kinetic chain. Strength, flexibility & coordination in the feet increase the entire body’s performance. Improper foot & ankle motion, lack of foot strength & poor foot biomechanics are precursors to painful conditions, such as shin splints, plantar fasciitis & iliotibial band syndrome.
Perform foot strengthening exercises consistently & correctly for optimum results. The foot & lower leg muscles are very seldom trained. They are often the most neglected muscles in the body. Implement a foot strengthening program along with an entire body fitness routine. Start at a level that is appropriate for you & increase the intensity in gradual increments. If a specific exercise elicits symptoms, forgo that particular exercise & proceed to another.
Multiple foot strengthening exercises exist, including Towel toe grab, Short foot, Toe curling, Toe splaying, Alphabet writing, Sand running & Pool running. Execute these exercises to develop strength, coordination & stability in the feet and lower legs. Consistently execute the short foot, towel toe grab, toe splaying, toe curling and alphabet writing exercises for optimum results. If performed correctly, you will be sore the following day. You may be surprised at the locations & level of soreness. Don’t expect miracles immediately, but noticeable results will be apparent after several weeks. Your feet will feel stronger & possess greater endurance.
Perform these exercises every other day. Give your feet a good workout & provide them sufficient recovery time between training sessions. Utilize foot strengthening exercises to improve the function of your feet & develop a solid standing and running dynamic foundation. Strengthen your feet to strengthen your body’s entire kinetic chain. Lessen the possibility of acquiring a running-related injury by developing stronger feet.

Dr Donald A Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic in Las Vegas, NV
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"Running: Maximize Performance & Minimize Injuries" https://www.amazon.com/Running-Performance-Chiropractors-Minimizing-Potential/dp/1493618741

Dr Donald A Ozello DC wishes you success in life and in your athletic endeavors. Train hard, train smart, stay injury free and accomplish your goals.

Foot Strengthening Exercises

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