
Jung for Laymen - Lecture 2 - Personality Types - June 4, 2016

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Lecture 2 - Personality Types - June 4, 2016

This is a continuation of my informal discussion of the work of Dr. Carl G. Jung. In this video I hope to offer the layman some information, which is immediately useful.

Understanding personality types can help you understand your spouse and co-workers, and help you select more effective project teams for your organization. This video is based on Dr. Jung's book _Psychological Types_, which is Volume 6 of his Collected Works, and on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which is a valuable testing tool for determining psychological types and understanding their meaning.

MBTI Structure - In order to understand personalities at the big picture level, you need to understand these 4 dualities. We all fall somewhere on the scale between the two extremes on each one:

Extroverted E —— Introverted I
Sensing S —— iNtuitive N
Thinking T —— Feeling F
Judging J —— Perceiving P

In my case, I have always tested as INTP, which is one of the 16 possible personality types.

To amplify just a little:

In a marriage, the Introvert needs and Extrovert to guide them to a social life, otherwise there are a lot of quiet evenings at home. But the Extrovert sometimes needs the Introvert to help tone things down when they get out of hand.

The Sensing person needs the Intuitive person to understand the meaning of all of the facts, while the Intuitive person needs the Sensing person to get all the facts in the first place.

A Thinking person needs a Feeling person to put flesh on the bones of life, while the Feeling person needs the Thinking person to help organize the emotions.

The Perceiving person needs the Judging person to help work through the details and not miss anything, like a shopping list, but the Judging person needs the Perceiving person to pick up the ice cream when the Judging person leaves it off the list.

NOTE: I am not a professional psychologist, and am making these videos as my attempt to help my fellow laymen understand why I think Dr. Carl G. Jung’s work is important for all of us in our everyday lives.

You can find a free online version of the MBTI test via any search engine.

Jung for Laymen - Lecture 2 - Personality Types - June 4, 2016

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Interview with Dr Carl Jung 1957

How to Use Jung's Psychological Types

Jung Psychological Types General Description of the Types Read Aloud Audio

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i Love Carl Jung | i Love Psychology

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Carl Jung

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ENFP TIKTOKS to watch if you're bored

📚🌍Jungian Archetypes for Self Discovery - King, Queen, Warrior, Magician, Lover, Child

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Carl Gustav Jung - In His Own Words Documentary 1990

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Skip's Jungian Path - For Better or for Worse -

Two Essays on Analytical Psychology ¶387 et seq.

Carl Jung's Individuation: A Guide to Self Improvement

A discussion of how a "normal person" can start reading Carl Jung and related books.

Using Archetypes For Personal Growth | PersonalityHacker.com

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