
Objects of Nostalgia: Materiality in Genre Film and Television

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Presented at Genre/Nostalgia 2021
January 5th – 6th 2021
Andy McCormack, University of Cambridge: Bleeding Edges: The Children's Book in Comedy and Horror
Jiří Anger, Charles University: The Milestone That Never Happened: Digital Kříženecký, False Archive Effect, and the Failed Beginning of Czech Cinema
Christa val Raalte, Bournemouth University: Playing with the past: structures of nostalgia in Ready Player One.

Back to the Future Past: Nostalgia and Temporality

Objects of Nostalgia: Materiality in Genre Film and Television

Gender in Genre Film and TV: Women and Nostalgia

Growing Pains: Genres for Young Audiences

Streaming the Past: Contemporary Television, Genre and Nostalgia

Video Nostalgia and Analogue Aesthetics

Queer Nostalgias in Film and Television

Teen Dreams and Beauty Queens: Music and Musicals

The Nostalgic Imaginary in Space, Place and Time

Nostalgia for pre-digital scares: childhood memories, horror and 35mm

Negotiating Politics in Nostalgic Genres and Codes

Reimagining Heritage: Adapting Classic Literature and Beyond

Imagined Worlds Nostalgia in Fantasy & Science Fiction Television

New Frontiers: Rethinking the Western and Nostalgia

Yearning for Television Past: TV Revivals and their Audiences

(De)constructing National Mythologies and Narratives

Dark Pasts: Rethinking Historical Eras and Figures

American Dreams, American Nightmares

National Genre Modes, Transnational Appropriations

MRG: 'Shadow Cinema: Unmade Films and the Archive'

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