
Think and Grow rich book summary In Urdu / Hindi | Napolen Hill | become rich | Zeeshan hassan Jaan

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Think and grow rich book summary In Urdu / Hindi | Think and grow rich in hindi / Urdu by Napolen Hill
Think and Grow rich book summary In Urdu / Hindi | by Napolen Hill | become rich | audiobook |
#Zeeshan Hassan Jaan

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About Video

Friends I am Zeeshan. ( Grow With Zeeshan )what would that book be like if a person spent twenty years of his life writing and this is one of my favorite books Napoleon researched and interviewed about 500 successful people for 19 years and a few months, that is, for about 20 years, including medicine.
Napoleon's 19 years of some months of research in this book in the form of 13 points if you follow these 13 points, you can be successful and rich in life Napoleon 19 years 500 rich and successful people After doing research on this book, it was published in 1938. So far 100 million copies of this book have been made. When he interviewed the 500 richest people, he found out that there are only a few rules to be successful, and whoever follows them can be successful.
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So let's start summarizing the video without wasting time. if you haven't subscribed to our channel before..subscribe to the channel..so that you will continue to find such useful videos
Point 1
Napoleon Hill says that all the people who have succeeded had a mad quest for this success. In order to fulfill any dream a person must have a mad quest or a longing for this thing. How do people get into this thing
There are two types of people in terms of desire, obsession or longing
When one kind of person sees something valuable like a car he says I wish I had it while other kind of people, when they see something like a car think about how I get it. I will be able to do it. This is very important. These people think about how I will get it. When these people think about it, their minds think about getting this thing. There is no idea that they can succeed.
This desire must be very clear in the mind, that is, you must know what you want, when you want it and how much you want it.
Step number one
What he wants out of life is to do human rights first. Then find the means to achieve it and act on it. Get pregnant with steadfastness.
First of all, decide how much you want to earn annually think of a certain amount in your mind if you don't think of a certain amount in your mind then how can you be a stray boat I don't know you shouldn't have in mind that I will make a lot of money but it will decide how much you want In which I want to earn 2 million annually

Step No. 2
Decide what you can do to get this money that is what sacrifices you can make to get it like I'm willing to give so much time, so much love in a day or so much Be prepared to sacrifice sleep

Street No. 3
Just like I thought about fixed money, think about fixed date. I don't want this money till the end of history like I have to earn 2 million annually till 19th August 19th.

Estate No. 4
Make a plan that you can earn so much money by following. Don't wait for a while that I will make a perfect friend and follow it. No matter what you do, no film making plant is perfect.

StepNo. 5
The fifth reason is that you can sacrifice as much money as you think and the date when you want all this and write that plan on a piece of paper
Like what you wrote should be
I want to earn 2 million a year by August 19 2023 and now you write down what you want to do that you can do.

Step No. 6
You have to read aloud what you have written on this paper twice a day.GWZ

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Point number two
You can never be successful if you don't believe in what you plan to achieve so it's important to believe in yourself that you can be rich
Phone number 3
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Friend I have done this topic in this video Think and grow rich book summary in urdu People Hill Think and grow rich in urdu book summary how to become rich how to earn money book earn money business earn money how to make money how to get rich audio book audio books in urdu napoleon hill think and grow rich success money how to earn so much money think and grow rich in hindi napolean hill in hindi
Point number four
There is only one type of knowledge There are two types of knowledge
Journal Knowledge
Special knowledge
There should be special knowledge in a person Journal knowledge is of no use except that you can sit among people and talk about the world Special refers to complete knowledge
Point number six
Organizer planning
Zeeshan Hassan Jaan

For Business Inquiry Zeeshanhassan632@gmail.com

Think and Grow rich book summary In Urdu / Hindi | Napolen Hill | become rich | Zeeshan hassan Jaan

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