
LUKS & Full Disk Encryption

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by Cyril Brulebois

At: MiniDebConf Hamburg 2019
Room: main
Scheduled start: 2019-06-09 17:30:00

Mini-DebConf 2020 Germany?

Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Meet the Release Team

debvm – Ephemeral Virtual Debian Machines

The DebConf Videoteam explained

Closing Ceremony

Reproducible Builds, the first ten years

Closing Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Automating Debian Packaging

You wouldn't download a Debian Developer

Reproducible builds as applied to non-compiler output

Skolelinux and Debian Edu Quo Vaids?

Running Debian on a Smartphone

Reproducible buster

Let's go to DebConf19 in Brazil!

Closing ceremony

An update on Debian Edu, AlekSIS, and FOSS in education

Help the kernel team help you

Discussing changes to the Debian key package definition

How to write new tests for openqa.debian.net

Salsa CI Debian Pipeline for Developers

SQLreduce: Reduce verbose SQL queries to minimal examples

LUKS & Full Disk Encryption

Debian and Free Software in Cuba, currently activities and projects

Challenges in herding a vast number of packages between the Debian and PostgreSQL ecosystems

Demonstrating and Testing an Embedded Hypervisor with Debian

Skolelinux, quo vadis?

Getting (more) Debian into our civil infrastructure

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