
Beyond the Scores: Clues to the nature of semantic disorders from the things patients say and do

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Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute - Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.
Presentation September 10, 2009 by Visiting Scholar Karalyn Patterson, PhD, Senior Research Scientist at the MRC-CBU (Medical Research Council Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit) in Cambridge UK.

19. Frontotemporal dementia on MRI; FTLD, neurodegenerative, Tau, aphasia behavorial semantic

2-Minute Neuroscience: Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)

APP2APP Virtual Lectures - Primary Progressive Aphasia - Diagnosis & Bedside Testing

Naida Graham: Connected Speech and Syntactic Impairment in Primary Progressive Aphasia

#CNStalk - Stefano Cappa: Primary progressive aphasia: a window into language neurobiology

"Language Connectivity Pathways and Neuroplasticity in Aphasia", Will Hula

Frontotemporal Dementia | 60 Minutes Archive

Neurologist Explains Bruce Willis and Primary Progressive Aphasia

FTD Virtual Caregiver Conference 2020: What if it's not Alzheimer's Disease? ft. Murray Grossman, MD

Frontotemporal Dementia - FTD (Murray Grossman)

Beyond the Scores: Clues to the nature of semantic disorders from the things patients say and do

"TDCS in primary progressive aphasia", Kyrana Tsapkini

Semantic dementia

Aphasia - What Is It? | Short Documentary

MRRI Visiting Scholar Lecture: Chaleece W. Sandberg, October 2023

"Predictors of Response to Semantic and Phonological Treatment for Aphasia", Basilakos & Kristinnson

Frontotemporal Dementia - FTD (Murray Grossman)

Learning Livecast Episode 1: More Than Words - Understanding Primary Progressive Aphasia

Argye Hillis: Advances in Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Primary Progressive Aphasia

FENS Hertie Winter School 2015: Nina Dronkers on Aphasia Language Disorders - PART 1

MRRI Visiting Scholar Lecture: Dr. Peter Turkeltaub, February 2021

“Advanced diffusion MRI methods for studying white matter integrity in Aphasia”, Emilie McKinnon

2015 FTD Annual Seminar: An overview of frontotemporal dementia

Language Disorders Across the Life Span - Marilu Gorno Tempini, MD, PhD - UC San Francisco

C-STAR lecture, Julius Fridriksson

"The Anatomy of Aphasia Revisited" - Julius Fridriksson

28 -- Frontotemporal Degeneration: Subtypes and Reasons for Hope -- World FTD Marathon Americas

"Cursing in Aphasia and other Neurological Disorders: Synthesis and New Directions", Jamie Reilly

Frontotemporal Dementia | The Terrible Reality of Frontotemporal Dementia

2015 FTD Annual Seminar: Imaging in FTD

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