
The Art of War by Sun Tzu | Full Length Audiobook

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"Hands Free Literature from The Listening Lines"

Title: The Art of War
Author: Sun Tzu


Available as a PDF with membership on Patreon.


About: This is a full length text of The Art of War by Sun Tzu in audio format read by volunteers and put into video format for your convenience by the editors of The Listening Lines.

Featuring full length videos of popular books. Each video or video series includes audio or text for works of literature.The videos have been created using works that are in the public domain by editors at The Listening Lines. For requests or more information, contact us at TheListeningLines@gmail.com or on social media.

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Sources: Each file that you see in this video are originally from the public domain in online archives such as: LibriVox, Project Gutenberg, Internet Archives, and Wikimedia Commons. For information, please email TheListeningLines@gmail.com, and please include the video title and specific file details.

Copyright: The video created here is brought to you by the editors at The Listening Lines. The editors spend hours on each video researching original images and text to provide you with a unique and quality learning experience. Because these videos are original as an end product, they are protected under copyright laws.

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"Hands Free Literature from The Listening Lines"

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The Art of War by Sun Tzu | Full Length Audiobook

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