
CHS Docent Cont. Education: Native American Conquistadors The Mesoamerican Conquest of the New World

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Coronado Historic Site and the ruins of Kuaua Pueblo are located just minutes north of Albuquerque (off of I-25, Exit 242) in Bernalillo. Kuaua was the northernmost of the twelve villages. Its name means "evergreen" in Tiwa. It was first settled around AD 1325 and was occupied by approximately 1,200 people when Coronado arrived. Conflict with Coronado and later Spanish explorers led to the abandonment of this site within a century of first contact. Today, the descendants of the people of Kuaua live in the surviving Tiwa-speaking villages of Taos, Picuris, Sandia, and Isleta.

Native American Conquistadors: The Mesoamerican Conquest of the New World - Recorded November 12, 2020
Mesoamerican cultures at the time of the arrival of the Spanish were incredibly advanced. Their military institutions consisted not only of peasant conscripts but of a professional warrior class. The Spaniards realized this immediately and utilized these forces to great effect in their subjugations of Native Americans throughout the New World. This lecture will explore the role of Mesoamerican Indians in the Spanish colonial enterprise of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Matthew J. Barbour holds BA (2002) and MA (2010) degrees in Anthropology from the University of New Mexico and has worked for the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs since 2002. Currently, Mr. Barbour is the Regional Manager of Coronado and Jemez Historic Sites. Throughout his eighteen-year career, he has published over 200 nonfiction articles and monographs. In 2012, and again in 2014, Mr. Barbour was awarded the City of Santa Fe Heritage Preservation Award for Excellence in Archaeology. In 2018, under Mr. Barbour’s management, Coronado Historic Site received an Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History. Then in 2019, Jemez Historic Site received the Archaeology Heritage Preservation from New Mexico Historic Preservation Division.

Coronado Historic Site: http://nmhistoricsites.org/coronado
Jemez Historic Site: http://nmhistoricsites.org/jemez

Marlon Magdalena: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarlonMagdalena
Marlon’s Website: http://www.marlonmagdalena.com/

CHS Docent Cont. Education: Native American Conquistadors The Mesoamerican Conquest of the New World

CHS Cont. Docent Education: Coronado, Onate, and the Mixton War, 1540 - 1542

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