
My Movie Collection: 600+ Movies A-Z!!

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By popular demand! I run down all the movies in my library - the good, the bad, and the Gerard Butler!

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A portion of the revenue from this video will go to these causes in support of #BlackLivesMatter and the much needed change being fought for right now.

BLACK LIVES MATTER: https://blacklivesmatter.com/about/
DONATE: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_...

COLOR OF CHANGE: https://colorofchange.org/about/
DONATE: https://act.colorofchange.org/donate/...

NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE & EDUCATIONAL FUND: https://www.naacpldf.org/about-us/
DONATE: https://org2.salsalabs.com/o/6857/p/s...

ACLU: https://www.aclu.org/about/aclu-history
DONATE: https://action.aclu.org/give/now

Movie Collection Update: 175+ New Movies A-Z!!

My Movie Collection: 600+ Movies A-Z!!


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