
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick v5 [1/2] (Stephen Van Doren)

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The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick v5 [1/2]
Read by Stephen Van Doren
This collection was first published in 1987
Audio originally issued by NLS in 2016
"The fifth and final volume in a series gathering all of award-winning science-fiction author Philip K. Dick's short stories. This volume contains twenty-four stories"
Part 1 ||||| You can find Part 2 here: https://youtu.be/8DQ0Od1ITSM
Story list:
00:00:00 - (i) Book info
00:05:10 - (01) Introduction
00:15:06 - (02) The Little Black Box
01:19:23 - (03) The War with the Fnools
01:51:35 - (04) Precious Artifact
02:32:48 - (05) Retreat Syndrome
03:33:51 - (06) A Terran Odyssey
04:59:21 - (07) Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday
05:59:08 - (08) Holy Quarrel
07:02:23 - (09) A Game of Unchance
07:56:53 - (10) Not by Its Cover
08:22:26 - (11) Return Match

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