
How All The Myers-Briggs Personality Types Say “I Love You” | PersonalityHacker.com

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Judging Functions determine how we evaluate information and criteria.
First Cluster: FJ (ENFJ, INFJ, ESFJ, ISFJ) – The Judging Process they all share is Extraverted Feeling (Fe) or Harmony.
They worry about keeping harmony with people and getting everyone’s needs met.
Extraverted Feeling is very interested in emotional interplay between people.
“Am I safe with you?” Since Fe users are made to express emotion in the outside world, they are very in touch with other’s emotions. This puts them in a vulnerable space.
“Do you accept and approve of me?”
How do Harmony users tell others they love them?
If an Fe user is not caring about the needs of another person it is because they don’t consider them in their intimate sphere.
Fe users are very impacted by the energy and emotions of others, so they like to make sure everyone is feeling good.
We all overvalue our experience, So it is common to believe other people think the same as we.
Fe users can feel intrusive as they keep trying to check in emotionally. Misinterpreted as smothering.
Second Cluster: FP (ENFP INFP ESFP ISFP) – The Judging Process they all share is Introverted Feeling (Fi) or Authenticity.
They are very concerned with what resonates on the inside in a core value way.
Introverted Feeling is private – “My feelings.” ”What I am experiencing.”
They recognize that people have an entire array of emotional, subjective experience.
How do Authenticity users ask, “Do you love me?”
Intent is very important to Fi users.
Questioning their motive can totally shake Authenticity users up.
Sometimes language can break down in articulating their feelings, so Fi users will sometimes ask, “Do you have my back?”
The Pygmalion Project is our tendency to get into a relationship based upon polarities then try and make the other person just like us.
How do Authenticity users tell others they love them?
They honor the individual and the authentic expressions of those they love.
They also honor peoples alone time to process their feelings.
They will also trust that you have their best interests at heart.
Cluster 3: TJ (ENTJ, INTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ) – The Judging Process they all share is Extraverted Thinking (Te) or Effectiveness.
“What is the most effective means to accomplish this goal?” This applies to love as well.
How do Effectiveness users ask, “Do you love me?”
There are certain things that create burdens on each of us, so we choose the ones that will go through life with us because we think they will help us relieve those burdens.
They need to know that they will receive the necessary support to accomplish their goals.
Te users don’t handle emotional terrorism or neediness.
If you break loyalty with a Te user it can break their heart because they have expected you to work within a functioning system.
How do Effectiveness users tell others they love them?
“I will be endlessly loyal on principle.”
“I will take care of you.”
“I will educate myself on you and learn how you operate.” They see their partners as a system or resource to learn about and master.
They take pride in their spouse and boast about their accomplishments.
When a Te user chooses to be in love they don’t necessarily express it on a daily basis.
They will generally find an exit strategy rather than stay in something that is falling apart.
Can be misinterpreted as controlling. Distant. They aren’t always spontaneous lovers.
Cluster 4: TP (ENTP, INTP, ESTP, ISTP) – The Judging Process they all share is Introverted Thinking, or Accuracy.
Accuracy users ask, “What makes sense to me?” Ti is thought turned inward.
A lot of the ways they express and receive love is through competency.
They also choose partners whose competency they value.
They want approval but will learn from, and value, negative feedback.
“Can I trust that you don’t think I’m lying to you in any way?” A major part of Ti relationships is radical honesty.
“I will put time, effort and thought into how I craft my language with you.” Communication with intellectual integrity.
Ti users all need to know that it makes sense for you to love them. There is logical consistency in how you express love.
How do Accuracy users tell others they love them?
“I will be rigorously honest with you. If I am not free to be honest, I lose interest in that relationship.”
The more Ti users love somebody the more they have freed up space to be honest with them. Ti learn their mate at a precision level.
Ti protects their loved ones from other people but not themselves. They like the same treatment in return. #PersonalityTypes #MBTI #MyersBriggs #PersonalGrowth #SelfHelp #Podcast

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