
Why kids need video games: Sean Henderson at TEDxCanmore

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Sean has spent so long convincing his parents of the strategy, creativity and teamwork involved in playing video games, he figured it was an idea worth sharing. Violence and gore, he believes, are not the primary motivations for gaming. Complex strategy, new storylines, and tactical teamwork are. His talk will be a roadmap of why you should consider letting your kids play, and how playing these games will enhance their development and better prepare them for the future.
Speaker Profile

Sean is a 12 year old Grade 7 student at Lawrence Grassi Middle School in Canmore. He played his first video game when he was 6 years old and has been negotiating for screen time ever since. He plays a wide variety of video games, including Halo, Call of Duty, Minecraft, Dance Central 3 and Battlefield. Sean loves the mountains, recently climbed Ha Ling, and has decided to pick up his electric guitar again.

Why kids need video games: Sean Henderson at TEDxCanmore

Chatham BOE 06/13/22

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