
Why we need to destigmatize addiction? | Douglas Calvillo | TEDxRiceUSalon

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My personal experiences and academic path have led me to understand that addiction is a complex and pervasive issue that can and likely will affect individuals from any walk of life—addiction does not discriminate.

Through sharing my own experiences, I aim to help break down the stigmas associated with addiction and increase empathy for those suffering. I also hope to shed light on the fact that addiction is not a choice but rather a biological process. I also intend to highlight that while susceptibility can be influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and trauma, this does not mean that simply not fitting into one of those boxes makes you "safe." Additionally, addiction comorbidities are not well understood. Many people associate depression or anxiety as a cause of addiction, but there is evidence that the relationship is much more complicated. I want to make it known that while there are certainly some risk factors, we are all human and thereby share the same neural wiring that makes addiction possible and, more importantly, treatable.

The complexity surrounding addiction is what makes understanding the processes so critical. While addiction is classically thought of in relation to drugs, it is vital to understand that addiction can be to ANYTHING—it is a psychological and neurobiological process to which we are not only susceptible but predisposed. This is only exacerbated by the fast-paced, high-dopamine, and hedonistic, world we are all living in. Just by considering these simple concepts, we can already see how diabolical addiction is. It can affect anyone in any way.

By helping people understand the mystery surrounding addiction, I hope to encourage more compassion and support for those who are suffering from SUDs. Education will do more than raise understanding and decrease stigma; it will inform people on how to avoid, recognize, and treat addiction. Entering college, Doug thought he had to make the choice between science and humanities, but he didn’t like that. He believes that what hard science can’t tell us, more nuanced social sciences can, and the humanities direct the questions that need to be answered in the first place. He is majoring in neuroscience, psychology, and health science, on the pre-Md/PhD track. Because that’s not enough to manage, he currently does research at UTHealth’s Center for Neurobehavioral Research on Addiction, work at the Moody Center for Arts, and is part of the Rice Owls Cheerleading team! He plans to pursue psychiatry with a focus on the biopsychosocial aspects of trauma and comorbid psychiatric disorders, taking what he learns in the clinic to his lab to answer practical questions, instead of pursuing knowledge for the sake of knowledge. His work and his personal experiences shaped the talk he plans to give. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Why we need to destigmatize addiction? | Douglas Calvillo | TEDxRiceUSalon

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