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Welcome to Dauchsy Meditations
Love is not just a feeling that only a minority of privileged people deserve to experience. It’s not something that people merely want to have. It is something that every human being needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a theory created over 75 years ago that is still used and taught today, explains that Love is something that every human being needs. It shows how, next to basic survival needs such as food, water, and shelter, Love is the most important need. The fact that love is a human need, means that everyone, no matter who you are, deserves love.
Though, there may be numerous reasons why you don’t feel you deserved to be loved, or even feel that you should love yourself. Whether those reasons are that you’re not smart enough, pretty, or handsome enough, you smoke, drink, or do drugs too much, you have a poor diet, are overweight, maybe you made serious mistakes in your past, treated other people poorly. Or maybe you’re just a little weird. It’s ok. No matter who you are or what you did, you deserve love.
But What happens is, we get that feeling inside, that shame that’s telling us that we don’t deserved to be loved. So we hide ourselves from the world. And what happens is, we actually block the abundance of potential love that is all around us. We hide those differences about ourselves that we believe people will dislike about us. But the truth is, it’s those differences and those peculiarities, that will draw people to you. All those little things that make you different, don’t hide them! Allow yourself to have the courage to be vulnerable and flaunt your imperfections. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it’s our imperfections that attract others to us. Because EVERYONE, no matter who you are, has so many flaws and imperfections themselves. And when you are vulnerable and open yourself up, it allows others to be comfortable, and not have to be perfect all the time, and just truly be themselves around you because they realize that you are just as weird and imperfect as them.
The scary part is, being vulnerable opens yourself up to possibly very painful experiences. Sometimes you will be vulnerable, and in that vulnerability, you will be crushed, and it will hurt. BUT there are those other occasions, when you are vulnerable and open yourself up to love, what happens is truly beautiful and amazing. You create a Deep, loving connection with that person. A feeling and connection you cannot experience without being vulnerable. So have the courage to be vulnerable. Have the courage to love with a full and open heart, and you will begin to see the abundance of love flow into your life.
This meditation will help you let go of those imperfections, help you love yourself, and help you attract wonderful abundant love into your life.

MANIFEST BEYOND BELIER PROGRAM: https://bit.ly/47aozk7

SOULMATE Manifest~ Sleep Meditation ~ Guided Meditation for Sleep


★MANIFEST TRUE LOVE★ Sleep Meditation ~ Attract your Soulmate


MANIFEST The Love of your Life ~ Sleep Meditation ~ Listen as you Sleep

Worthy of LOVE - Sleep Meditation - Listen as you Fall Asleep

SELF LOVE ~ Sleep Meditation ~ Transform your Life with this Method

Love Attraction ~ Attract Love While You SLEEP MEDITATION

EXPECT MIRACLES - Manifest while you Sleep Meditation

MANIFEST Anything While You Sleep Meditation ~ Listen Nightly

BELIEVE to RECEIVE - Manifest While You Sleep Meditation with Affirmations

Manifest True Love - Listen While You Sleep - Attraction Affirmations

VIBRATION ~ Sleep Meditation ~ Strengthen Your Power of Attraction


LOVE YOURSELF FIRST ~ Self Love Sleep Meditation ~ Listen for 30 Nights to Transform Your Life

Use THIS Method to Manifest Anything ~ Manifest While You SLEEP Meditation

Manifest MIRACLES Sleep Meditation ~ Listen Every Night Before Bed

Remove Blocks ~ Manifest Anything ~ SLEEP MEDITATION

ULTIMATE HEALING for Body, Mind, & Spirit while you Sleep ~ Guided Meditation

Manifest the Power Within ~ Sleep Meditation

Beyond Thought ~ MANIFEST ANYTHING ~ Listen While You Sleep Meditation

DEEP SLEEP ~ Manifest Meditation for Growth and Success ~ with Manifest Affirmations

I AM ENOUGH ~ MANIFEST ANYTHING ~ Listen as you Fall Asleep Meditation

How MANIFESTATION Works ~ Manifest Anything while you Sleep Meditation

Take Control of the Mind ~ Manifest while you Sleep Meditation

I AM ENOUGH ~ SLEEP Meditation To Help You MANIFEST Your Dream Life

I LOVE MYSELF ~ These Words Transform You ~ Sleep Meditation

VISUALIZE ~ Sleep Meditation ~ Visualize Your New Reality

30 Day SELF LOVE Challenge ~ I love Myself Affirmations

ABUNDANCE While You SLEEP ~ Guided Sleep Meditation

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