
Ali Mohamed & The 1990's: Al Qaeda's War Against The United States

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After helping to train Afghan Mujahid in Brooklyn in small arms. Mohamed sets up meetings with known radical fundamnetlist with Egyptian cleric, and head of Gamma Islammiyah, Omar Abdel Rahman, and El Sayyid Nosair. Both men tell Mohamed to begin training for bomb plots in Jewish neighborhoods, and NYC landmarks. Meanwhile he continues to be an informant for the FBI, while the CIA handles him from afar. The WTC is bombed in February 1993, some of those suspected are those Muhammed trained, and during a search of both Mohamed Salameh's home and El Sayyid Nosair turn up US military documents. Mohamed trained at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Bin Laden moves to Sudan, while Muhamed trains Al Qaeda and Somalia fighters in using RPG and rifles. By 1996, Bin Laden relocates to Afghanistan, while the FBI continues to pressure Mohamed to help indict Bin Laden on terrorism charges. He declines, meanwhile he is said to have scouted US embassy's in Africa for security lapses.

In August 7th 1998, Two US embassy's are bombed in 1998, and the CIA and FBI are well aware that their "informant" has been playing everyone. Mohamed is later arrested and charged for his role in the bombings while in San Francisco, where he resides. By 2000, Mohamed becomes a cooperating witness against Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda and during secret meetings with federal prosecutors he begins to tell them he was an informant for the FBI, CIA, Osama Bin Laden and Omar Abdel Rahman. Currently Ali Mohamed is in the witness protection program. He has never been formally sentenced for his role in the 1998 East Africa US Embassy bombings.

Ali Mohamed & The 1980's: The CIA's Spy Who Trained Afghan Mujahid In Brooklyn:


Ali Mohamed & The 1990's: Al Qaeda's War Against The United States

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