
Hashinshin witnesses the most INSANE Wintrade in League of Legends!

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Source: https://www.youtube.com/user/HashinshinLoL

He streams daily on Youtube!

Hashinshin gets OUTPLAYED by an Ashe!

Hashinshin witnesses the most INSANE Wintrade in League of Legends!

Hashinshin RANTS about Ignite!

Hashinshin gets ganked by a teleport Leona?!

Hashinshin LOSES a 1v1 against a girl as AATROX!

Hashinshin LIKES playing Malphite???

Hashinshin gives this Janna what she deserved!

Hashinshin is very proud of THIS play!

Hashinshin RAGES about Riven animation cancel!

Hashinshin enters GOD MODE in a 1v3!!

Hashinshin witnesses the MOST INSANE ENEMY SURRENDER in League of Legends!

Hashinshin outplays an average Akali player!

Hashinshin completely OUTPLAYED this Riven!

Never gank a Hashinshin on Darius!

Hashinshin kills greedy Volibear then gets cocky

Hashinshin tells a Riven player to "play better"!

Hashinshin shares a SECRET Aatrox mechanic!

Hashinshin makes a satisfying flash Q-3 with Aatrox!

Hashinshin gets a drain tank moment

Hashinshin LOSES to Nidalee Top??

Hashinshin gets SURPRISED by his jungler!

Riven flashes her mastery, then gets stomped by Hashinshin

Hashinshin plays the PERFECT teamfight!

Hashinshin has a "fun" time against buffed Anivia

Hashinshin 1v1s a girl as GP and wins

Hashinshin gets stepped on by his cat

Hashinshin explains why high elo doesn't play toplane!

Hashinshin gets in a VERY STRESSFUL situation!

Hashinshin is dancing on some clowns!

Hashinshin is very grateful for THIS kill!

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