
Can't defend the Knife Hand (Shuto )of Karate and "Kuzushi" of Shorinji Kempo!

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Seichusen! Shorinjikempo and Karate (Tatsuya Naka and Hiromu Inoue)

This Karate Master can use techniques of Shorinjikempo! What's is the reason?【Tatsuya Naka】

Karate and Shorinjikempo【KATA TALK】

Can't defend the Knife Hand (Shuto )of Karate and "Kuzushi" of Shorinji Kempo!

【少林寺拳法と空手】夢の交流の舞台裏を明かそう(中達也・井上弘) Amazing encounter of Shorinjikempo and Karate

Is it possible to incorporate Karate into Boxing?【Ryota Murata・Tatsuya Naka】With various subtitles.

中達也が教える連続突きの基本(白帯ワールド)Basic Tsuki of Karate, Naka sensei(JKA)

Self Defense from a Seated Position of Shorinjikempo and Karate

伝統派空手とは何か?中達也先生がスッキリ解説!(中達也Q&A) Naka Tatsuya Q& A about Karate and Budo

Multi-angle Analysis of compound techniques of Karate!【Tatsuya Naka, JKA】

Elucidated with multiple cameras! The secret of Tatsuya Naka's "Oi-zuki, Long distance punch!

松濤館流の中達也と和道流の大塚博紀が握手! Smile! Wado-ryu and Shotokan-ryu Karate

【Kata Comparison】, Okinawa Karate and Shotokanryu Karate

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